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Recovered Materials Certification and Reporting Program

Florida businesses dealing with over 600 tons per year of any recovered material (paper, glass, plastic, metals/aluminum, textiles, and/or non-tire rubber) are required by law to apply for annual certification and report their recovered materials. This requirement is stated in Florida Statute 403.7046 and detailed in Florida Administrative Code Rule 62-722.

Main objectives of this program are to record the amount of Florida's waste stream that is reused or recycled and properly credit each county for its recovered materials. To do this with accuracy, it is important for recyclers to report all recovered materials in tons by county of origin.

If you are transferring materials to any existing certified dealers, you may be exempt from this requirement. To determine exemptions, review the listing of all current Certified Recovered Materials Dealers to see if any handle your materials.

Annual Certification Process

  1. Application renewals are through the FDEP Business Portal .
  2. New applications must be completed and mailed to FDEP with the $50.00 fee. 

Annual Reporting Process

  1. Recovered Materials Reports are due by February 1. (For example 2016 data is due February 1, 2017)
  2. Reports are submitted via Re-TRAC a web-based reporting system preferred by DEP as the designated reporting format.
  3. Reporting Form - Use this form to get an idea of what information is required.
  4. Reporting Instructions

For more information about the Recovered Materials certification and reporting requirements contact: Suzanne Boroff.

Last Modified:
September 5, 2024 - 8:44am

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