The Beach Management Funding Assistance program maintains reports and documents that are available for download. For inquiries or to obtain documents from previous years, contact

Statewide Strategic Beach Management Plan

The Strategic Beach Management Plan (updated in May 2023) provides an inventory of Florida's strategic beach management areas and coastal barrier tidal inlets along the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of America and Straits of Florida. The plan identifies the state's critically eroded beaches and develops and maintains a comprehensive long-term management plan for the restoration and maintenance of these shorelines.

The department incorporates by reference the adopted Inlet Management Plans to address critical erosion along Florida's coastline.

Long-Range Budget Plan

During Fiscal Year 1998-99, the department initiated long-range budget planning in order to develop beach management strategies beyond localized, short-term needs. The department assists local governments in developing their long-range beach management plans. Once developed, these plans emphasize a regional approach to beach management that encourages coordination among local governments, reduces costs and provides long-term solutions to beach erosion.

The 2019 changes to Chapter 161.161, Florida Statutes included the addition of a 3-year work plan that identifies beach and inlet management projects viable for implementation during the next three fiscal years based on available funds, regulatory considerations and the ability of the project to proceed as scheduled. The projects are presented in priority order based on the applicable criteria in sections 161.101, F.S. and 161.143, F.S.

The long-range plan identifies projects for inclusion in the fourth and fifth ensuing fiscal years and are presented by region. The current development status is listed for each beach and inlet management project.

To obtain reports from previous fiscal years, send a request to

Local Government Funding Request

The Fixed Capital Outlay Local Government Funding Request is a prioritized list of beach erosion control projects developed annually based on funding requests submitted by local government sponsors. The document is organized into two sections: “Beach Restoration and Nourishment Projects” and “Inlet Sand Bypassing/Inlet Management Plan Implementation Projects.”

Each section contains a list of eligible projects ranked in priority order, based on the authority in sections 161.101 and 161.143, Florida Statutes, and the procedures outlined in Chapter 62B-36, Florida Administrative Code. Projects have been evaluated by the department, based on consistency with the Strategic Beach Management Plan, permitting status, readiness to proceed with the proposed funding phase and the appropriateness of the amount of funding requested.

Fiscal Year 2025-2026 | Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Fiscal Year 2023-2024Fiscal Year 2022-2023Fiscal Year 2021-2022

Annual Financial Summary and Accountability Reporting

Pursuant to Section 161.101(20), F.S. the department is required to submit an Annual Financial Summary and Accountability Report with the Fixed Capital Outlay Local Government Funding Request.

Fiscal Year 2024-2025 | Fiscal Year 2023-2024 |Fiscal Year 2022-2023Fiscal Year 2021-2022Fiscal Year 2020-2021

Beach Management Funding Assistance Proviso Report

In the Fiscal Year 2013-14 General Appropriations Act, Specific Appropriation 1626 included the proviso language below:

“The funding provided for those projects reflects the ranking of local government funding requests and the department's Fiscal Year 2013-2014 project priority list; however, it also takes into account recent storm damages and storm impacts on project designs and costs. To address future situations, the department shall make recommendations as to how current statutory ranking criteria should be modified to accommodate storm damage and other beach impacts, as well as current department processing procedures and timetables for local government funding requests, in annual project rankings. The department's recommendations shall be provided to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives no later than Jan. 1, 2014.”

Funding Request and Appropriation Status Report

Contract Status Reports identify all projects and their funded amounts as listed in the Fixed Capital Outlay Local Government Funding Requests for each fiscal year.

Fiscal Year 2024-2025 | Fiscal Year 2023-2024 | Fiscal Year 2022-2023Fiscal Year 2021-2022Fiscal Year 2020-2021

Other Beach-Related Reports and Documents

  • All contracts/grants, amendments and change orders are located in the Florida Accountability Contract Tracking System (FACTS). The following information is available for each contract: budget summary, deliverables and current fiscal year payments.
  • The state of Florida's Vendor Website provides vendors with a resource to make inquiries into payments made to them by the state of Florida. The payment information is updated each evening for current day payments.
Last Modified: Monday, Mar 03, 2025 - 12:56pm