Morning Session |
9-9:30 a.m. Morning Welcome and Keynote Speaker: Dr. Tom Frazer, Chief Science Officer, Office of Environmental Accountability and Transparency, DEP |
9:30-10:45 a.m. First Concurrent Session: |
DWH Overview and Status Update PanelModerator: Phil Coram, Program Administrator, Deepwater Horizon program, DEP
Topic: RESTORE - Pot 2 Presenter: Ben Scaggs, Executive Director, RESTORE Council
Topic: Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Presenter: Ben Frater, Assistant Restoration Manager, DOI
Topic: National Fish and Wildlife Foundation – Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund Presenter: Mike Sharp, Director, NFWF-GEBF
Topic: State Expenditure Plan – Pot 3 Presenter: Dan Dourte, Balmoral Group National Estuary Programs Moderator: Jessica Bibza, National Wildlife Federation
Topic: Coastal and Heartland National Estuary Partnership Presenter: Jennifer Hecker, Executive Director, CHNEP
Topic: Tampa Bay Estuary Program Presenter: Maya Burke, Science Policy Coordinator, TBEP
Topic: Sarasota Bay Estuary Program Presenter: Mark Alderson, Executive Director, SBEP |
11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Second Concurrent Session: |
Restoration Project Case Studies PanelModerator: Lisa Robertson, Environmental Administrator, DEP Topic: RESTORE Gulf of Mexico Habitat Restoration via Conservation Corps Partnership Project Presenter: Katie Flowers, GulfCorps Education and Outreach Coordinator, The Nature Conservancy/AmeriCorps
Topic: RESTORE Apalachicola Region Restoration Initiative (ARRI) Presenter: Ben Battle, Gulf of Mexico Forest Restoration Program Manager, USDA
Topic: RESTORE Apalachicola Region Restoration Initiative (ARRI) Presenters: Anne Birch, Marine Program Manager, The Nature Conservancy
Living Coastal and Marine Resources Project Case Studies PanelModerator: Gareth Leonard, Gulf Restoration Coordinator, FWC
Topic: GEBF Increased Capacity for Marine Mammal Response Presenter: Anna Panike, Marine Mammal Biologist, FWC
Topic: GEBF Eliminating Light Pollution on Sea Turtle Nesting Beaches Presenter: Rachel Tighe, M.S., NAILD LS I, Lighting Project Manager, Sea Turtle Conservancy
Topic: GEBF Restoring Florida's Shorebird & Seabird Populations Presenter: Marianne Korosy, Ph.D., Director of Bird Conservation, Audubon Florida |
12:15-1:45 p.m. Lunch and Exhibit Hall |
Afternoon Session |
1:45-2:15 p.m. Afternoon Keynote Speaker: Grover C. Robinson IV, Mayor, City of Pensacola |
2:30-3:45 p.m. Third Concurrent Session: |
Recreation Project Case Studies PanelModerator: Jim Reynolds, Environmental Consultant, DEP
Topic: NRDA Florida Coastal Access project Presenter: Doug Hattaway, Senior Project Manager, The Trust for Public Land
Topic: NRDA Florida Artificial Reef Creation and Restoration Presenter: Keith Mille, Biological Administrator, FWC
Topic: NRDA Norriego Point Restoration and Recreation project Presenter: Pearce Barrett, NRDA Project Manager, DEP Panhandle Estuary Program PanelModerator: Darryl Boudreau, Watershed Coordinator, The Nature Conservancy
Topic: Perdido/Pensacola Estuary Program Presenter: Matt Posner, Matt Posner, Interim Director, Pensacola and Perdido Bays Estuary Program
Topic: Choctawhatchee Estuary Program Presenter: Melinda Gates, Environmental Coordinator, Walton County, Acting Staff for the Choctawhatchee Bay Estuary Coalition
Topic: St. Andrew/St. Joe Bays Estuary Program Presenter: Jim Muller, RESTORE Act Coordinator, Bay County Board of County Commissioners |
4-5:15 p.m. Fourth Concurrent Session: |
Techniques and Strategies for Coastal Resiliency Panel Moderator: Leslie Ames Reed, Deputy Chief of Staff, DEP
Topic: Vulnerability Assessments and the Resiliency types and techniques Presenter: Whitney Gray, Florida Resilient Coastlines Program, DEP
Topic: Land Acquisition for Resiliency Presenters: Callie DeHaven, Director, Division of State Lands, DEP
Topic: Living Shorelines role in Coastal Resiliency Presenter: Matt Posner, RESTORE and Resilience Program Manager, Natural Resources Management Department, Escambia County Science Panel Moderator: Becky Prado, Deputy Director, Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection, DEP
Topic: Frequently asked questions about the Deepwater Horizon oil spill Presenter: Monica Wilson, Ph.D., Oil Spill Research Extension Specialist, Florida Sea Grant
Topic: RESTORE Pot 5 Research - Florida Centers of Excellence Presenter: Elizabeth Fetherston-Resch, Program Director, FLRACEP
Topic: RESTORE Pot 4 Research – RESTORE Science Program Presenter: Julien Lartigue, Director, NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program |
5:30-6 p.m. Public Meeting: Florida Deepwater Horizon Restoration Priorities Presenter: Leslie Ames Reed, Deputy Chief of Staff, DEP 6-7 p.m. Open House and Exhibit Hall |