The Florida Department of Environmental Protection held the Florida Deepwater Horizon Restoration Summit on:

Thursday, Nov. 14, 2019, at the Emerald Coast Convention Center in Fort Walton Beach, Florida.

The Summit highlighted information about ongoing, planned, and potential restoration efforts and priorities in Florida associated with Deepwater Horizon funding.

The Summit served as the annual meeting of the Florida Trustee Implementation Group.

This event was open to the public.

If you would like a copy of any of the presentations that were presented at the Summit, please contact us at

Final Agenda - Deepwater Horizon Restoration Summit - Nov. 14, 2019

Morning Session

9-9:30 a.m. Morning Welcome and Keynote Speaker: Dr. Tom Frazer, Chief Science Officer, Office of Environmental Accountability and Transparency, DEP
9:30-10:45 a.m. First Concurrent Session:

DWH Overview and Status Update Panel

Moderator: Phil Coram, Program Administrator, Deepwater Horizon program, DEP   

Topic: RESTORE - Pot 2
Presenter: Ben Scaggs, Executive Director, RESTORE Council

Topic: Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA)
Presenter: Ben Frater, Assistant Restoration Manager, DOI

Topic: National Fish and Wildlife Foundation – Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund
Presenter: Mike Sharp, Director, NFWF-GEBF

Topic: State Expenditure Plan – Pot 3
Presenter: Dan Dourte, Balmoral Group

National Estuary Programs

Moderator: Jessica Bibza, National Wildlife Federation

Topic: Coastal and Heartland National Estuary Partnership
Presenter: Jennifer Hecker, Executive Director, CHNEP

Topic: Tampa Bay Estuary Program
Presenter: Maya Burke, Science Policy Coordinator, TBEP

Topic: Sarasota Bay Estuary Program
Presenter: Mark Alderson, Executive Director, SBEP

11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Second Concurrent Session:

Restoration Project Case Studies Panel

Moderator: Lisa Robertson, Environmental Administrator, DEP

Topic: RESTORE Gulf of Mexico Habitat Restoration via Conservation Corps Partnership Project

Presenter: Katie Flowers, GulfCorps Education and Outreach Coordinator, The Nature Conservancy/AmeriCorps

Topic: RESTORE Apalachicola Region Restoration Initiative (ARRI)

Presenter: Ben Battle, Gulf of Mexico Forest Restoration Program Manager, USDA

Topic: RESTORE Apalachicola Region Restoration Initiative (ARRI)
Presenters: Anne Birch, Marine Program Manager, The Nature Conservancy

Living Coastal and Marine Resources Project Case Studies Panel

Moderator: Gareth Leonard, Gulf Restoration Coordinator, FWC

Topic:  GEBF Increased Capacity for Marine Mammal Response
Presenter: Anna Panike, Marine Mammal Biologist, FWC

Topic: GEBF Eliminating Light Pollution on Sea Turtle Nesting Beaches
Presenter: Rachel Tighe, M.S., NAILD LS I, Lighting Project Manager, Sea Turtle Conservancy

Topic: GEBF Restoring Florida's Shorebird & Seabird Populations
Presenter: Marianne Korosy, Ph.D., Director of Bird Conservation, Audubon Florida

12:15-1:45 p.m. Lunch and Exhibit Hall

Afternoon Session

1:45-2:15 p.m. Afternoon Keynote Speaker:  Grover C. Robinson IV, Mayor, City of Pensacola
2:30-3:45 p.m. Third Concurrent Session:

Recreation Project Case Studies Panel

Moderator: Jim Reynolds, Environmental Consultant, DEP

Topic: NRDA Florida Coastal Access project
Presenter: Doug Hattaway, Senior Project Manager, The Trust for Public Land

Topic: NRDA Florida Artificial Reef Creation and Restoration
Presenter: Keith Mille, Biological Administrator, FWC

Topic: NRDA Norriego Point Restoration and Recreation project
Presenter: Pearce Barrett, NRDA Project Manager, DEP

Panhandle Estuary Program Panel

Moderator: Darryl Boudreau, Watershed Coordinator, The Nature Conservancy

Topic: Perdido/Pensacola Estuary Program
Presenter: Matt Posner, Matt Posner, Interim Director, Pensacola and Perdido Bays Estuary Program

Topic: Choctawhatchee Estuary Program
Presenter: Melinda Gates, Environmental Coordinator, Walton County, Acting Staff for the Choctawhatchee Bay Estuary Coalition

Topic: St. Andrew/St. Joe Bays Estuary Program

Presenter: Jim Muller, RESTORE Act Coordinator, Bay County Board of County Commissioners

4-5:15 p.m. Fourth Concurrent Session:


Techniques and Strategies for Coastal Resiliency Panel

Moderator: Leslie Ames Reed, Deputy Chief of Staff, DEP

Topic: Vulnerability Assessments and the Resiliency types and techniques

Presenter: Whitney Gray, Florida Resilient Coastlines Program, DEP

Topic: Land Acquisition for Resiliency

Presenters: Callie DeHaven, Director, Division of State Lands, DEP

Topic: Living Shorelines role in Coastal Resiliency

Presenter: Matt Posner, RESTORE and Resilience Program Manager, Natural Resources Management Department, Escambia County


Science Panel

Moderator: Becky Prado, Deputy Director, Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection, DEP

Topic: Frequently asked questions about the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
Presenter: Monica Wilson, Ph.D., Oil Spill Research Extension Specialist, Florida Sea Grant

Topic: RESTORE Pot 5 Research - Florida Centers of Excellence
Presenter: Elizabeth Fetherston-Resch, Program Director, FLRACEP

Topic: RESTORE Pot 4 Research – RESTORE Science Program
Presenter: Julien Lartigue, Director, NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program

5:30-6 p.m. Public Meeting:
Florida Deepwater Horizon Restoration Priorities
Presenter: Leslie Ames Reed, Deputy Chief of Staff, DEP

6-7 p.m. Open House and Exhibit Hall



Last Modified: Monday, Feb 24, 2025 - 02:53pm