Earth Day 2025

Join the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) in celebrating Earth Day 2025 on Tuesday, April 22! While DEP works year-round to protect Florida’s natural resources, Earth Day is a special opportunity for everyone to get involved.

This year also marks the 50th anniversary of the Florida Aquatic Preserve Act, a landmark law passed in 1975 to safeguard Florida’s diverse ecosystems for future generations. Since the establishment of the first aquatic preserve in 1966, Florida has grown to 43 aquatic preserves spanning nearly 2.6 million acres of coastal and freshwater environments.

This Earth Day, we encourage you to get outside, enjoy Florida's natural beauty and take action to protect our state's unique landscapes and wildlife habitats. Whether through conservation, education or hands-on stewardship, every effort makes a difference!

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2025 Earth Day Poster Contest: “Protect & Preserve Florida’s Living Waters”

DEP is inviting students across the state to showcase their creativity and commitment to environmental stewardship through the 2025 Earth Day Poster Contest.

This year’s theme, “Protect & Preserve Florida’s Living Waters,” highlights the importance of Florida's natural water resources and celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Florida Aquatic Preserve Act. Students in grades 4-12 are encouraged to create a poster illustrating how they connect with and help preserve Florida’s Living Waters. This contest officially launches March 3, with all submissions due March 28, 2025. 

Students may submit original drawings, paintings or digital artwork using any medium. A completed entry form must accompany all submissions. Please see the full Contest Rules and Guidelines for more information and details.

Winning students will be selected from three grade-level categories (grades 4-5, 6-8 and 9-12) within each of DEP’s six district regions. Regional winners will receive an Aquatic Preserves reuseable water bottle and advance to a statewide contest. In the statewide contest, one grand prize winner will receive a full-size printed poster of their artwork. Winners will be announced on Earth Day, April 22, 2025.

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Practice "Earth Day Every Day"

Aquatic Preserve Water Bottle
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Protecting our Earth, Economy and Future

As the state’s lead agency for environmental management and stewardship, DEP protects Florida’s air, water and land. DEP works year-round to protect and restore Florida’s natural resources by: 

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Statewide Winners 2024 Earth Day Poster Contest

Earth Day 2024 Poster Contest Winners

Statewide Winners 2023 Earth Day Poster Contest

EARTH DAY 2023 Poster Contest Winners

Statewide Winners 2022 Earth Day Poster Contest

EARTH DAY 2022 Poster Contest Winners

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