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Florida’s pristine waters are like a beating heart, interconnected and vital to our ways of life. They serve many critical functions, foster diverse habitats for aquatic life and provide exceptional recreational activities. But what are we doing to help?  

Pollution is not just a concern for our lands. Litter and debris significantly contaminate our waterbodies and destroy our underwater ecosystems; further impacting the health of our interconnected community. 

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) serves to remind Florida residents and visitors how small actions create big differences for the health of our waterways. Help defend one of the state’s most critical natural resource, our waters, from pollution and marine debris.  

To improve the health of Florida’s waterways, remember the 3 Rs: Reduce. Remove. Revive. 

1) REDUCE. Reduce waste.  
2) REMOVE. Remove pollution and marine debris. 
3) REVIVE. Revive affected waters. 

Together, we are channeling the power of people to protect Florida’s living waters.

Educator Resources

Learn how to protect our living waters by removing pollution.
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Fact Sheets

Reduce Pollution . Become a Debris Defender. 10 Ways to be a Pollution Preventor.
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Join a Cleanup

DEP encourages Florida residents to do their part to revive Floridas living waters. Sign up for a cleanup or create your own.
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Refill Over Landfill

Choose #RefillOverLandfill and commit to #MakeTheSwitch to a reusable water bottle. Become a solution to pollution!
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