Operator Certification Program

Lake Manatee Dam & Water Plant, Manatee County

The Operator Certification Program (OCP) is responsible for overseeing a professional licensure program for all water and wastewater treatment plant operators along with water distribution system operators in Florida. This is done through mandatory training, developing and administering professional licensure examinations used to determine minimal competencies and through the implementation and monitoring of continuing education. Licenses are issued in three separate categories: water treatment plant operators, wastewater treatment plant operators and water distribution system operators. Each licensure category contains four classes of licensure. Treatment plant classes are A, B, C and D with class A being the highest, and distribution levels are 1, 2, 3 and 4 with level 1 being the highest.

Licensure in Florida is a linear process in that an operator must obtain a lower level license prior to becoming eligible to receive a higher level license. For each level of licensure each applicant must also demonstrate the applicable number of years of experience. Licenses are issued for a two-year period with an expiration date of April 30 of every odd numbered year. In order for individuals to renew their license they must complete a specified amount of continuing education units (CEU's). Without the appropriate CEUs, the license will not be renewed. Learn more about the Operator Certification Program (Program Handbook).

Need further assistance or information regarding the program?

Operator Certification Program
Division of Water Resource Management
2600 Blair Stone Road, MS 3506
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400
Phone: 850-245-7500  FAX: 850-245-8410
email: operator.certification@floridadep.gov