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Earth Science - Events


Florida Geological Survey Open House

Join us to celebrate Earth Science Week at the Florida Geological Survey. This year’s open house will feature two new museum displays: Discovering Florida’s Past Ecology and State Geological Sites. Enjoy interactive exhibits and learning for all ages, with microscope stations, the FGS drill rig and more. Kona Ice will be on-site.

WHEN: Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2024, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m..

WHERE: 3000 Commonwealth Blvd., Tallahassee, FL 32303.

Additionally, join State Geologist Harley Means at Leon Sinks Geological Area for a 3-mile guided hike on the morning of Saturday, Oct.19, 2024. Along the way, learn about geology’s connection to the local ecosystem and about karst features that include sinkholes, depressions, natural bridges and disappearing streams.

The Florida Geological Survey welcomes the public to its annual open house.

2024 Earth Science Week Collage

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