Florida Geological Survey BL Perry Branch Library Outreach, Leon Co, June 2016

The FGS provides both publications and educational outreach to k-12 students and teachers. The FGS also provides an Open House each October to celebrate Earth Science Week. Updates and plans for the Open House, which is open to the public, can be found on the Florida Geology webpage

Additional k-12 outreach and service components of our work include the following:

  • A free copy of any publication to any teacher who requests it on school letterhead.
  • Talks on requested geologic subjects to classes in reasonable proximity to the FGS.
  • Lead local class geology field trips.
  • Answers to specific questions received from teachers at our website concerning geology, publications or other resources available to them.
  • Assistance to middle school and high school students seeking earth science related internships.
  • Staff participation as local school science fair judges and providing technical assistance to students working on earth science projects.
  • Staff participation in agency and community science education events aimed at least in part at K-12 students.
  • Participation in local school cooperative programs, engaging selected students in actual FGS projects.


Karst Geology
Coastlines of Florida
Coastline Geology
Velocity of the Aucilla River


Many of the FGS publications can be useful to both students and teachers and can be viewed online.


The FGS has many posters available for teachers. Look in the Poster sections of the list of publications. Listed below are some of our most popular posters.


The FGS has many maps available for teachers. Look in the Map Series and Open File Map Series sections of the List of Publications. Listed below are some of our most popular maps.

In addition, our more technical maps and publications are occasionally requested and used by upper-level students and teachers in the K-12 range. The FGS website also provides an overview of Florida geology and Survey activities, with downloadable maps and data, and links to online publications.

Additional Resources


To schedule a visit, field trip, presentation, science fair judge or request resources, please contact Mabry Gaboardi Calhoun, 850-617-0342. 

Last Modified: Friday, Dec 13, 2024 - 05:57pm