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About FGS

FGS location and directions

FGS Biennial Report

MISSION STATEMENT: Collect, interpret, maintain and distribute geologic information to benefit Florida. 

The Florida Geological Survey (FGS) collects, archives, interprets and distributes geologic information to benefit the environment and Florida’s communities. FGS uses geologic, hydrogeologic and related data as well as mapping and modeling to improve understanding of water and mineral resources, and geological hazards such as sinkholes.

Our geoscience products support initiatives related to water-resource conservation and management, improvement of the quality of natural resources and promotion of economic growth. The FGS is committed to continuously increasing the amount and quality of geoscience data and making it available to the public. Collaboration with local, state and federal agency partners ensures a robust and cost-efficient approach to addressing Florida's environmental concerns.


Leadership. Serve as an example of how to protect natural resources and economic vitality while adhering to the integrity of our shared vision.

IntegrityOperate ethically, honorably and respectfully.

AccountabilityAccept personal ownership for our actions and responsibilities.

CommunicationOperate transparently, sharing information frequently and honestly.

Innovation. Seek innovative ways to improve operations and scientific achievements.

Service. Serve Florida, its environment, the public, stakeholders and each other.

Meet the Director

Guy “Harley” Means, State Geologist, Director of the Florida Geological Survey

Harley Means is the state geologist of Florida and the Director of the Florida Geological Survey. He earned both his Bachelor and Master of Science degrees in geology from Florida State University. Mr. Means has served as a board member or delegate for multiple organizations including the Southeastern Geological Society, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies and the Florida Paleontological Society and is currently serving on the Florida Board of Professional Geologists.

He has also served on multiple graduate student committees and is a courtesy assistant scholar scientist at Florida State University. He has given more than 100 invited lectures and presentations on a broad range of geologic topics and has authored more than 70 publications and abstracts.

Mr. Means has spent more than 25 years with the Florida Geological Survey providing geoscience information to Floridians and helping them better understand natural systems, improve environmental stewardship and address environmental concerns.

Last Modified:
August 28, 2024 - 3:59pm

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