Nutrient Basin Management Action Plans

Nutrient BMAPs contain a comprehensive set of solutions, such as permit limits on wastewater facilities, urban and agricultural best management practices, and conservation programs designed to achieve pollutant reductions established by a total maximum daily load.

Indian River Lagoon BMAPSNorthern Everglades and Estuaries Protection Program BMAPsOther Nutrient BMAPs
marsh area of Indian River Lagoon Aquatic Preserve
Banana River Lagoon, Central Indian River Lagoon and North Indian River Lagoon.
Matlacha Pass Aquatic Preserve
Lake Okeechobee watershed and the Caloosahatchee and St. Lucie River watersheds and estuaries.
Beautiful and peaceful mangrove forest scene on a river
Additional nutrient BMAPs for surface waters. 

Indian River Lagoon Basin Management Action Plans

The Indian River Lagoon Protection Program (section 373.4597, F.S.), provides for additional requirements, projects, and water quality monitoring to further efforts identified in the three BMAPs and Mosquito Lagoon RAP to meet water quality standards and restore seagrass in the IRL. The law also requires the BMAPs to be evaluated and updated every five years with implementation milestones with strategies and projects and sufficient water quality monitoring to evaluate whether reasonable progress in pollutant load reductions is being achieved over time.  

Northern Everglades and Estuaries Protection Program (NEEPP) BMAPS

The Northern Everglades and Estuaries Protection Program (NEEPP; section 373.4595, F.S.) was established with the intent to protect and restore surface water resources to achieve water quality standards in the Northern Everglades through a phased, comprehensive and innovative protection program that includes long-term solutions to reduce nutrient loading to meet the state’s total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) established in accordance with section 403.067, F.S. The Northern Everglades watersheds include the Lake Okeechobee watershed and the Caloosahatchee and St. Lucie River watersheds and estuaries.  

WaterbodiesBMAP DocumentsContact

St. Lucie River and Estuary

St. Lucie River and Estuary Story Map

Tony Tomalewski

Caloosahatchee River and Estuary 

Caloosahatchee Estuary Interactive Story Map

Tony Tomalewski

Lake Okeechobee

Lake Okeechobee Story Map

Chandler Keenan




Other Nutrient BMAPs


BMAP Documents


Everglades West Coast Basin

Everglades West Coast Basin Interactive Story Map

Evelyn Becerra

Lakes Harney, Monroe, Middle St. Johns River (MSJR) and Smith Canal

Harney Monroe Story Map

Evelyn Becerra
Lake JesupEvelyn Becerra

Lake Jesup BMAP Amendment

Lake Jesup Story Map

Evelyn Becerra

Long Branch

Long Branch Story Map

Moira Homann 

Lower St Johns River Main Stem BMAP

Lower St. Johns River Main Stem Story Map

Tiffany Busby
Orange Creek - Phase 1Jessica Fetgatter
Orange Creek - Phase 2Jessica Fetgatter

Orange Creek BMAP Amendment

Orange Creek BMAP Story Map

Jessica Fetgatter
Upper OcklawahaJessica Fetgatter
Upper Ocklawaha River Basin
Phase 2
Jessica Fetgatter

Upper Ocklawaha River Basin BMAP Amendment

Upper Ocklawaha River Basin Story Map

Jessica Fetgatter
Wekiva River, Rock Springs Run, and Little Wekiva Canal

Wekiva River, Rock Springs Run, and Little Wekiva Canal Story Map
Wekiva River, Rock Springs Run, and Little Wekiva Canal BMAP Moira Homann
Last Modified: Wednesday, Feb 26, 2025 - 09:10am