What is a Basin Management Action Plan?

A BMAP is a framework for water quality restoration that contains a comprehensive set of solutions to achieve the pollutant reductions established by a TMDL. Examples include permit limits on regulated facilities, urban and agricultural best management practices, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure, regional projects and conservation programs designed to achieve pollutant reductions established by a TMDL. A BMAP is developed with local stakeholders and relies on local input and commitment for successful implementation. BMAPs are adopted by Secretarial Order and are legally enforceable. BMAPs use an adaptive management approach that allows for incremental load reductions through the implementation of projects and management strategies, while simultaneously monitoring and conducting studies to better understand the water quality and hydrologic dynamics. Progress is tracked by assessing project implementation and water quality analyses. DEP continues to work with local and regional partners to identify additional projects necessary to meet reduction milestones to achieve the TMDLs and inform funding priorities.  

What's New: Upcoming Meetings and BMAP Progress

July 1, 2025 BMAP Update Progress

As required by the Clean Waterways Act, DEP must prepare updates to its nutrient BMAPs by July 1, 2025. The July 1, 2025 BMAP Update Progress dashboard provides a visual representation of progress  towards the completion of each of the required tasks and related sub-tasks leading up to the July 1, 2025 updates. Please visit the BMAP Public Meeting Calendar to find out about upcoming meetings and subscribe to meeting notices. 

Nutrient BMAPs

Springs BMAPs

Fecal Bacteria Impaired BMAPs




For more information on the development of BMAPs, please email Moira Homann at Moira.Homann@FloridaDEP.gov
If you are interested in subscribing to updates for BMAP Meeting Notifications, visit the subscription page.

Watershed Quality Restoration Program
2600 Blair Stone Road, MS 3565
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400
Last Modified: Friday, Dec 13, 2024 - 05:57pm