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Water Quality Restoration Program Content

Title Type
2025 BMAP Update Progress General Content
5-Year Review of the Caloosahatchee Estuary Basin Management Action Plan 2022 Publication
Alafia Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP) Publication
Alafia River Basin BMAP 2016 Annual Progress Report Publication
Appendix A: Northern Everglades and Estuaries Protection Program BMAPs Publication
Appendix C: Surface Water BMAPs for Nutrients Publication
Appendix D: Fecal Indicator Bacteria BMAPs Publication
Appendix E: MFLs and Recovery and Prevention Strategies Publication
Appendix F: Status of Projects Designed to Achieve the MFLs Publication
Appendix G: Recovery and Prevention Strategies Publication
Banana River Lagoon Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP) Publication
Banana River Lagoon BMAP Annual Update Publication
Basin Management Action Plan Documents General Content
Basin Management Action Plans (BMAPs) General Content
Bayou Chico Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP) Publication
BMAP Public Meetings General Content
BMP Verification Helper Publication
Caloosahatchee Estuary Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP) Publication
Central Indian River Lagoon BMAP Annual Update Publication
Central Indian River Lagoon BMAP Annual Update Publication
chapter 62-306 rulemaking Publication
Clean Waterways Act Requirements for Wastewater & Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems Plans in Nutrient BMAPs General Content
Crystal River / Kings Bay Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP) Publication
Crystal River / Kings Bay Final Order 2018 Publication
DeLeon Spring Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP) Publication


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