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Title Type
Item 2 - 4L's Ranch, LLC - Conservation Easement Publication
Item 2A - Stan Mayfield Working Waterfront 2024 Project Ranking List  Publication
Item 2B - 2024 Florida Forever Priority List and Annual Work Plan Publication
Item 3 - Bradford County - Conveyance Publication
Item 3 - Bradford County - Conveyance Publication
Item 3 - DP Redemption, LLC - Surplus Publication
Item 3A - Big John’s on Central, LLC; EIL NC Main Office Complex, LLC; 83 Clark Street, LLC; 160 S Central, LLC - Surplus/ Sale Publication
Item 3A - Dark Hammock Legacy Ranch, LLC - Conservation Easement Publication
Item 3B - AC Tampa Bay, Inc - Acceptance of Offer/ Sale Publication
Item 3B - Quail Creek Farms, Inc. - Conservation Easement Publication
Item 3C - Deer Creek Ranch, LLC - Conservation Easement Publication
Item 4 - DEM Warehouse - Non-Conservation Acquisition Publication
Item 4 - Walton County School Board - Exchange Publication
Item 4 - Carolyn Bermes - Land Exchange Publication
Item 5 - Chapter 18-24, F.A.C. - Rule Development Publication
Item 5 - United States Navy Conveyance Publication
Item 5A - Creek Ranch - Acquisition Publication
Item 5B - Yarborough Ranch - Acquisition Publication
Item 6 - Caloosahatchee-Big Cypress Corridor Project Acquision/ Lease/ Delegation Publication
Item 6 - Oyster River Ecology, Inc. and Manatee County Natural Resources Department Management Agreement Publication
Item 6 - Clemons Oak Creek, LLC - Rural Lands Protection Easement Publication
Item 7 - 2023 Rural and Family Lands Protection Program Project Acquisition List Publication
Item 7 - Aquaculture Water Column Leases in Franklin County Publication
Item 8 - Syfrett Ranch Inc. - Conservation Easement Publication
Item 8A - Heart Bar Ranch - Rural Lands Protection Easement Publication


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