Outdoor Recreation Benefits

Florida has more than 15 million acres of public lands, over 10,000 miles of non-motorized land trails and about 5,000 miles of paddling trails. This adds up to one thing: numerous opportunities to explore Florida's great outdoors. Did you know...

manatee on turkey creek near Malabar with Katie Bernier of OGT by Doug Alderson, OGT

88% of Florida residents say outdoor recreation is very important to their health and quality of life (DEP/SCORP Participation Study 2021/22).

Greenways and trails are the number one outdoor recreation facility residents would like to see built in their communities (DEP/SCORP Participation Study 2021/22).

Recreation facilities and activities are especially important in urban and suburban areas, where 90% of Floridians reside (DEP/SCORP 2023-2027)


Helpful Tips!

East Coast Greenway rider in Titusville, by Doug Alderson, OGT


Currently, only 36% of Floridians are at a healthy weight, but enhanced access combined with informational outreach can increase frequency of physical activity. One study showed a 48% increase in physical activity! (DEP/SCORP 2017)


Walkers on Clermont's South Lake Trail, by Doug Alderson, OGT


Every dollar spent on walking paths saves $3 in medical expenses (American Heart Association).

People who live near safe, high quality biking and walking infrastructure tend to get more exercise than people who don’t (American Journal of Public Health).

Fitness walking/jogging is the most popular outdoor activity among Florida residents.



The Green Exercise Effect: The color green makes exercise feel easier and people are more likely to exercise more often (University of Essex, Environ Sci Technol. August, 2012).

Florida tourists spend $70 billion on outdoor recreation annually.

Florida residents consider enjoying the scenery the most important reason for participating in outdoor recreation, followed by mental health, general health, being with family and friends, proximity and affordability. (DEP/SCORP 2023-2027)

Some studies have shown that natural outdoor environments in urban spaces are more enticing for physical activity and are more likely to motivate people to exercise, leading to higher levels of fitness. (U.S. Department of Agriculture- Forest Service)


Top 5 Desired Facilities - Residents                Top 5 Desired Facilities - Visitors              Top Recreation Activities Residents               

1. Hiking/walking trails                                             1. Beach access/parking                                   1. Trail Activities                       

2. Biking paths/trails                                                2. Hiking/walking trails                                     2. Saltwater Beach Activities                       

3. Nature/Interpretive trails                                     3. Nature/Interpretive trails                              3. Nature Study             

4. Community parks                                                 4. Wildlife viewing areas/overlooks                 4. Freshwater Activities                       

5. Wildlife viewing areas/overlooks                         5. Biking paths/trails                                        5. Outdoor Sports                                

                                                                                                                                                                            6. Camping                                                

Source: (DEP/SCORP 2016/2017 )                                                                                                             7. Hunting/Shooting 

                                                                                                                                                           Source: (DEP/SCORP 2023/2027)                                                                      

Other Benefits of Outdoor Recreation:


Lower blood pressure

Improved cardiovascular/muscular fitness

Improved flexibility

Stronger immune system

Lower stress/anxiety/depression

Protection against disease

Improved mood/memory/self-esteem

Improved concentration/attention span

Greater productivity/creativity


Last Modified: Tuesday, Dec 17, 2024 - 12:12pm