Florida Green Lodging graphic

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection applauds your decision to participate in the Florida Green Lodging Program and your commitment to protecting and conserving Florida's environment. The designation application is a comprehensive evaluation tool that details the program's requirements and provides best management practices and technical assistance to help you achieve Florida Green Lodging designation.

Achieving Designation 

Select an Environmental Champion and Create a "Green Team"

Fulfilling Florida Green Lodging requirements and initiating new practices are easier and quicker if the effort is led by an enthusiastic coordinator with good communication and organizational skills. Leading a group of responsible employees ensures that all green practices the property is implementing are being performed accurately and on time. 

Evaluate Your Current Environmental Performance

Before completing the application, conduct a thorough property assessment. Implementing environmental practices in five areas: communication and education, waste reduction, water conservation, energy efficiency and indoor air quality - helps you achieve the minimum 212 required points.

You can call your city or county environmental protection office to see if they provide assistance or call the Florida Green Lodging Program to see if anyone in your region can help with a facility walk-through. 

Best Management Practices 

Facilities working toward Florida Green Lodging designation should review the Best Management Practices for guidance on managing water use, waste reduction, energy conservation and improving indoor air quality. Recommendations are provided for improving operating efficiencies throughout the facility. 

Application Instructions

Below, you will find the Florida Green Lodging designation application. The application may be completed and submitted online, or handwritten and scanned. The application must be complete and signed. Save and send the completed application and supporting documentation to the Florida Green Lodging Program at As you work through the application, please read each question carefully, as some questions require submission of additional documentation. Incomplete applications will be returned.

Most applications will be processed within 72 hours and the newly designated property's information will be uploaded to the Green Lodging GIS map.

Palm Levels

  • One Palm designation will need between 212 and 398 points.
  • Two Palm designation will need between 399 and 557 points.
  • Three Palm designation will need between 558 and 717 points.
  • Four Palm designations will need between 718 and 796 points.
Last Modified: Friday, Dec 13, 2024 - 05:57pm