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Apply for Green School Designation/Renew

Florida Green Schools graphicThe designation application is a comprehensive evaluation tool that details the program’s requirements and provides links to best management practices and technical assistance to help you achieve Florida Green School designation. The applications directly reflect each of the program’s six areas of sustainable operations:

  1. Communication and education.
  2. Energy efficiency.
  3. Water conservation.
  4. Waste reduction, reuse and recycling.
  5. Air quality.
  6. Transportation.

Application Instructions

Below, you will find the Florida Green School designation applications. These forms may be completed and submitted online, or handwritten and scanned. The application must be complete, and each question must be fully answered. Save and send the completed application and supporting documentation to the Florida Green School Designation Program.

Complete environmental performance data and submit supporting documents.

As you work through the application and supporting documents, please read each question carefully, as some questions require the submission of additional documentation. Incomplete applications will be returned. Most applications will be processed within 72 hours, and the newly designated property’s information will be uploaded to the Green School GIS map.

Achieving Designation - Before you Apply

Get Buy-in from Top Management: Management’s commitment to maintaining designation lets students, faculty and staff know that resource conservation is important.

Create a Green Team: Fulfilling Green School requirements is easier if the effort it led by a group of students, faculty and staff who make sure environmental improvement practices are being performed accurately.

Evaluate Your Environmental Performance: Constantly evaluate your environmental performance and look for areas of continuous improvement.

Designation Applications

Green Apple Application 

Graphic of the Green Schools Green Apple Designation

 Tiered Designation Application

*For Renewals ONLY

Graphic of the Green Schools Bronze Apple Designation
Graphic of the Green Schools Silver Apple Designation
Graphic of the Green Schools Gold Apple Designation

Last Modified:
September 18, 2024 - 3:56pm

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