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Designated School Information

Florida Green Schools graphic

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) applauds your decision to maintain your designation in the Florida Green School Designation Program, illustrating your commitment to protecting and conserving Florida's natural resources. 

Maintaining Green School Status 

Florida Green School designation is valid for three years from the date of issuance with the requirement that schools submit environmental performance data (water, waste, energy) annually. 

How Does a Facility Renew Designation? 

  • Designation is renewed every three years.
  • Facilities must have submitted environmental performance data (water, waste, energy) for each of the three years, and must implement at least two new environmental practices from any of the five areas of sustainable operations. 
  • Schools are also required to conduct and document ongoing employee and student education to ensure all are implementing the best management practices. 

Renewal Application Instructions 

Below, you will find the Florida Green School Designation Program renewal application. 

The application may be completed and submitted online, handwritten and scanned, or completing the online application. The application must be complete and signed. Save and send the completed renewal application and supporting documentation to the Florida Green School Designation Program

If your school wishes to achieve a higher Apple rating at the time of renewal, please complete and submit the Tiered Designation Application reflecting all initiatives that are currently in place. The Program will review your application and provide you with your new Apple rating, if achieved. Please ensure you read the Tiered Designation Application Instructions prior to completing the Tiered Designation Application. 

Last Modified:
September 18, 2024 - 3:56pm

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