The federally approved Florida Coastal Management Program (FCMP) coordinates a number of coastal management activities with DEP programs, state agencies, water management districts and local governments that have responsibilities for managing coastal resources. The FCMP has two fundamental goals: protecting coastal resources and helping Floridians maintain vital communities.
FCMP activities are implemented through program support projects, special initiatives, grant programs, and coordinated reviews of federal activities for consistency with the statutory authorities in the FCMP.
FCMP funds a number of aquatic preserves around the state. These aquatic preserves offer a glimpse into the state's natural and cultural heritage and can be found up and down Florida's Gulf of America and Atlantic coastlines.
In 1975, Florida enacted the Aquatic Preserves Act to ensure the continuation of aquatic preserves' natural conditions so that their aesthetic, biological and scientific values may endure for the enjoyment of future generations.
FCMP also updates the Florida Coastal Access Guide. Originally the document was published in 1985 listing all the public beach access points; now the public coastal access information is available online. Since each public access point has been located and mapped, everyone can find the access point with the parking, picnic area or other amenity important to what they want to do that day.
This guide has a description of each county, providing information on other activities available in the area such as state parks and paddling trails.
The FCMP Support Unit in the Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection conducts a number of projects and activities that maintain the legal framework of the FCMP and carries out special projects and initiatives, many of which are required or encouraged by state and federal law. Activities are conducted in partnership with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and state and federal agencies.
Under section 307 of the federal Coastal Zone Management Act, certain federal activities affecting Florida's coastal resources are subject to review for consistency with the 24 Florida Statutes that comprise the Florida Coastal Management Program. The Florida Coastal Management Program oversees the implementation of federal consistency requirements through the following processes:
- The Office of Intergovernmental Programs administers the Florida State Clearinghouse (SCH), which coordinates the state's review of federal activities for consistency with state laws and policies and provides comments to federal agencies and applicants in accordance with Presidential Executive Order 12372, the National Environmental Policy Act, Coastal Zone Management Act and other federal laws and policies. Comments from applicable state, regional and local government agencies are compiled by the SCH and sent to the applicant and federal agency along with recommendations for compliance with state laws and policies.
- Consistency reviews of projects located in federal offshore waters, including oil and gas leasing and development activities conducted under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, are coordinated through the Office of Intergovernmental Program's Offshore Projects Section. Consistency reviews of environmental resource and wetland resource permits issued pursuant to Chapter 373, Part IV, F.S., are conducted in conjunction with the processing of permit applications by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the water management districts' environmental resource permit programs.
The Florida Coastal Management Program makes funds available as pass-through grants to state agencies, water management districts and local coastal governments for priority projects that protect coastal resources and communities. In some cases, public colleges and universities, regional planning councils, national estuary programs and nonprofit groups may be eligible for grants in partnership with eligible applicants.