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  1. Protecting Florida's Springs

    These plans are focused on reducing nitrogen pollution that is impacting ...

    Shuck_A - 09/11/2023 - 3:37pm

  2. Environmental Response Team

    has recently begun to focus on more common incident types. ...

    Shuck_A - 09/11/2023 - 8:35pm

  3. Onsite Sewage Past Research Projects

    Background Information OSTDS research program started in 1983. Program research focused on investigating public health impacts, environmental impacts, and performance of onsite systems. Results from ...

    Gao_X - 02/02/2024 - 7:06pm

  4. Ecosystem Science Programs at Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserves

    of the bottom and focuses on shallow habitats that would otherwise require many ...

    Alexander_GN - 02/20/2024 - 12:14pm

  5. Educational Program: Grades K- Five

    discussions will focus on the interactions of precipitation with various land ...

    Foote_J - 03/15/2024 - 2:02pm

  6. Walter Schmidt Museum

    and groundwater. The inner museum room focuses on rock and mineral specimens ...

    GaboardiCalhoun_M - 03/21/2024 - 9:31am

  7. Composting/Organics Recycling

    This program is involved with the recycling of organic solid wastes. The main focus is on the production and use of compost made from solid waste, and on source-separated organic processing facilities. Activities include rulemaking, ...

    Thigpen_H - 04/26/2024 - 12:50pm

  8. Historical Electronics Grants

    electronics recycling demonstration project initially focused on Orange County ...

    Ashwood_J - 06/03/2024 - 10:40am

  9. Integrated Water Quality Assessment for Florida

    that further enhance our waterways and focus our efforts on addressing problems. ...

    VanHoudt_L - 06/21/2024 - 1:54pm

  10. Requirements for Existing Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems

    nitrogen pollution in a Priority Focus Area (PFA) or if DEP determines ...

    VanHoudt_L - 07/23/2024 - 10:13am


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