Event Date
Tuesday, October 15, 2019 - 1:00pm EDT - Tuesday, October 15, 2019 - 4:00pm EDT
South District
Program Area
South District Compliance Assurance Program
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2031 Jackson St
Fort Myers, FL 33901
United States


Discussion on Runoff and Water Quality and the protection of our shores, bays, rivers and lakes. WHAT HAPPENED IN STORMWATER PONDS AFTER THE LEE COUNTY FERTILIZER ORDINANCE? by Dr. Ernesto Lasso de la Vega, Lee County Hyacinth Control District This program covers topics including the Lee County Fertilizer Ordinance which was implemented in 2008. Data collected since then by volunteers in the Pond Watch Program of the Lee County Hyacinth Control District has shown how nutrient run off may has changed as a result of landscape practices and other environmental factors. WATER QUALITY IN URBAN ENVIRONMENTS: PROBELMS AND THE WORKS FOR SOLUTIONS Dr. Nora Demers, Associate Professor of Biology Secretary, United Faculty of Florida-FGCU Problems of poor water quality are rampant on the planet today. The sources of these problems include, fertilizers, pesticides, and human waste. The biological effects are extensive, and mostly negative. Understanding the sources and fates of pollutants is necessary to implement solutions. Implementation of solutions demands navigating the scientific, political and legal landscapes. This presentation describes the efforts to address these problems in San Carlos Park, (a 2.5 square mile community in Lee County, FL), where the majority of the homes use septic tanks, residents use fertilizers and pesticides, and many residents rely on well-water. Identification of the sources and fates of these pollutants will be described. In addition, important aspects of the endeavor of working toward improvements, through demonstration projects and progress in the legal and political landscape will be included. ADDRESSING WATER QUALITY IN LEE COUNTY THROUGH PUBLIC EDUCATION Karen Miller, Client Development GHD This presentation will give an overview of lessons learned from Lee County's public outreach initiatives for the Fertilizer Education and WETPLAN programs. Both programs are designed to teach local residents about best management practices for lawn and yard maintenance in an effort to improve water quality throughout the County's waterways.

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Cerullo, Terry
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