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Division of Water Resource Management

Land Use Consistency Determination

The Land Use Consistency Determination has no specific format, but is typically filed as a short pleading with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Administrative Law Judge, applicant and all parties. It should include a statement as to whether the proposed site is consistent with local land use plans and zoning ordinances. If the site is not consistent, then the Land Use Consistency Determination should address the reasons for inconsistency and what would need to be done to make the proposed project consistent with local land use plans and zoning ordinances.

Getting Started with EzDMR

How do you get started?

Users already registered in the DEP Business Portal do not need to register again. If you require a PIN because you are submitting an electronic DMR and do not have one, proceed to Step 2 below; otherwise, sign into the portal and proceed through the steps for your facility type: Industrial and Domestic Wastewater Facilities or NPDES Stormwater Facilities outlined below.

New users to the DEP Business Portal must register before beginning. Proceed to Step 1 below to complete registration.


Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report System (EzDMR)

Effective Dec. 21, 2016, all NPDES facilities are required to submit DMRs electronically using EzDMR.

Power Plant Siting Act

The Power Plant Siting Act (PPSA), Sections 403.501-.518, Florida Statute (F.S.), is the state's centralized process for licensing large power plants. One license — a certification — replaces all local and state permits. Local governments and state agencies within whose jurisdiction the power plant is to be built participate in the process. Certification addresses permitting, land use and zoning, and property interests.


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