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Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection

Southeast Florida Coral Reef Initiative (SEFCRI) Meeting Archive – 2005

  • November 16 - 17, 2005, Land-Based Sources of Pollution Technical Advisory Committee

Nova Southeastern University Oceanographic Center
8000 North Ocean Dr
Dania Beach, FL 33004


LBSP Minutes

  • September 29, 2005, Land-based Sources of Pollution (LBSP) Focus Team

Nova Southeastern University Oceanographic Center
8000 North Ocean Dr
Dania Beach, FL 33004


LBSP Minutes

LBSP Project 1 & 2 Teleconference Meeting Minutes

Historic Shoreline Database

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection's (DEP) Historic Shoreline Database contains many directories of related types of information about beach changes in Florida over the past 150 or so years and continues to be updated as new surveys are processed.

One of the main focuses of the database is on mean high water (MHW) locations from field profile surveys provided by department field crews and by individual projects all along the Florida coastline. (Links on this page will open in a new window.)

Southeast Florida Coral Reef Initiative (SEFCRI) Meeting Archive – 2004

  • June 14, 2004

MICCI Local Action Strategy Meeting

Nova Southeastern University Oceanographic Center
8000 North Ocean Drive
Dania Beach, FL


  • July 20, 2004

MICCI Local Action Strategy Meeting

Nova Southeastern University Oceanographic Center
Schure Building, 1st Floor Conference Room
8000 North Ocean Drive
Dania Beach, FL



  • August 2, 2004

FDOU Local Action Strategy Meeting

Southeast Florida Coral Reef Initiative (SEFCRI) Meeting Archive – 2016

  • Our Florida Reefs Community Meeting - Martin County

Jan 26, 2016 (12-2 pm, 6-8 pm)

  • Our Florida Reefs Community Meeting - North Palm Beach County

Jan 27, 2016  (12-2 pm, 6-8 pm)

  • Our Florida Reefs Community Meeting - South Palm Beach County

Jan 29, 2016  (12-2 pm, 6-8 pm)

  • Our Florida Reefs Community Meeting - Broward County

Feb 16, 2016  (12-2 pm, 6-8 pm)

Vision Statement

The Vision of the Florida Oceans and Coastal Council

The Florida Oceans and Coastal Council envisions the bountiful ocean and coastal resources of Florida as a perpetual life-support system and the foundation of our economy and society.

The Council will promote innovative research and the use of scientific results to guide management and stewardship of Florida’s ocean and coastal resources for future generations.


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