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Florida Coastal Management Program


Coastal Partnership Initiative Grant Program

The FY 2024-25 request for application cycle is now closed.  The next request for applications will open in the late summer/early fall of 2024.

Federal Consistency Intergovernmental Coordination and Review

Since Colonial times, Americans have depended on the coastal areas for commerce, transportation, food supply, recreation and scenic beauty. By the late 1960s, more than half the nation's population was located near the coasts. User groups competed for access to the nation's coastal resources, and conflicts increased dramatically. Recreational anglers competed with their commercial counterparts. Resorts and residential developments limited the access previously enjoyed by local residents. Declining coastal water quality led to closings of shellfish beds and swimming beaches.

FCMP Program Changes


In order to keep the approved Florida Coastal Management Program (FCMP) current, it is necessary to periodically update the statutes that make up the program after legislative changes have occurred. This program change submission seeks to update all statutes that make up the FCMP. This submission will incorporate new and revised section changes to the referenced Florida Statutes that were enacted during 2022. In addition, after these changes, the FCMP will continue to comply with section 306 of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972.


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