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Southwest District Compliance Assurance Program

Southwest District Hazardous Waste

What is a Hazardous Waste?

The definition of a hazardous waste starts with the definition of a solid waste. A solid waste is any solid, liquid or contained gaseous material that is discarded by being disposed of, incinerated or recycled. Solid wastes can also be the byproduct of a manufacturing process, a commercial product that is used in a business or home, garbage, etc.

A hazardous waste is a solid waste that because of its quantity, concentration and/or physical, chemical or infectious characteristics may:

Southwest District Underground Injection Control

The DEP Southwest District regulates underground injection control wells in Citrus, Hardee, Hernando, Hillsborough, Manatee, Pasco, Pinellas and Polk counties.

The Southwest District permits non-major Class V wells (such as closed-loop heat pump/air conditioning return flow wells and stormwater wells). All other wells, including Class I wells and major Class V wells (such as aquifer storage and recovery, aquifer recharge, exploratory and reverse osmosis), are permitted by the Aquifer Protection Program in DEP’s Tallahassee office.

Southwest District Drinking Water

The DEP Southwest District regulates potable water systems in the following counties: Citrus, Hardee, Hernando*, Manatee, Pasco* and Pinellas.

*The Hernando and Pasco County utility departments permit the construction of water distribution mains in their counties that are 12 inches or less in diameter and that will distribute drinking water from county-owned drinking water facilities.

Southwest District Tanks

The Southwest District Storage Tank Program handles compliance, enforcement, technical assistance and contract management relating to tank systems that store regulated substances. Specific activities conducted by district staff are:

1) Underground and above ground storage tank (Chapters 62-761 and 62-762, F.A.C.) inspections at facilities owned by contracted counties;

2) Discharge prevention and response (Chapter 62S-6, F.A.C.) inspections;

3) Enforcement for non-compliant facilities, including enforcement referrals from the contracted counties;


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