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Office of Intergovernmental Programs (General)

Federal Consistency

Since colonial times, Americans have depended on the coastal areas for commerce, transportation, food supply, recreation and scenic beauty. By the late 1960s, more than half the nation's population was located near the coasts. User groups competed for access to the nation's coastal resources and conflicts increased dramatically. Recreational fishermen competed with commercial fishermen. Resorts and residential developments limited the access previously enjoyed by local residents. Declining coastal water quality led to closings of shellfish beds and swimming beaches.

State Clearinghouse Brochure

The Florida State Clearinghouse (SCH) administers the intergovernmental coordination and review process of certain federal activities within the state of Florida that involve federal financial assistance and/or direct federal activity. The clearinghouse also reviews all programs that federal agencies have indicated are eligible for inclusion under Presidential Executive Order 12372.

Section 403.061(42), F.S., identifies the SCH as the state single point of contact for coordinating the states review of these activities.

Policy and Procedure Manual

The purpose of this manual is to provide assistance to the state agencies, regional planning councils, water management districts, and local governments which participate in the intergovernmental review process coordinated by the Florida State Clearinghouse (Clearinghouse). The manual may also be useful to applicants seeking federal funding or submitting other projects requiring Clearinghouse review.



Table of Contents


Office of Intergovernmental Programs

Kae Craig, Government Consultant, 850-717-9045

State Clearinghouse Project Review and Single Point of Contact (SPOC)

Chris Stahl, Clearinghouse Coordinator, 850-717-9076

Clearinghouse projects should be sent to

Comprehensive Plan Review

Lindsay Weaver, Environmental Specialist, 850-717-9037


The Florida State Clearinghouse (SCH) administers the intergovernmental coordination and review process of certain state and federal activities within the state of Florida which involve federal financial assistance and/or direct federal activity. The clearinghouse reviews all programs which federal agencies have indicated are eligible for inclusion under Presidential Executive Order 12372.

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