Where is my permit?

The Construction Generic Permit is a permit by rule. The current (2015) permit is in question and answer format. 

DEP gives the operator "coverage" to operate under the generic permit when the Acknowledgement Letter is issued (via email). You are required to display the Acknowledgement Letter and NOI at the construction site. 

When do I have to submit the NOI?

Operators must submit a complete NOI at least two (2) days before beginning construction.

When is my permit effective?

Coverage will be effective 48 hours after DEP receives the complete NOI. Note: the acknowledgement may be sent after the effective date of coverage. 

An application is considered incomplete if the permit fee has not been received, or if the NOI is missing information. An incomplete NOI must be corrected to be considered complete. In this case, you will receive a request for additional information via email. 

How much does an application cost?

Fees are established in Rule 62-4.050(4)(d), F.A.C.

  • Large Construction (five or more acres of land) is $400.
  • Small Construction (less than five acres) is $250. 
Do I send in my Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) with my NOI?

No, but a current copy must be kept at the construction site or an alternative location that is specified in the NOI.

Is my construction project required to have permit coverage?

Operators are are required to obtain coverage under the CGP if:

  • Stormwater from the activity has the potential to enter a surface water of the state or a municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4).
  • Construction activities will result in the disturbance of one or more acres of land OR the project is less than one acre but part of a larger common plan of development or sale that will ultimately disturb one or more acres. Construction activities include soil disturbing activities, construction materials handling or storage, equipment storage or maintenance areas.

Note: some municipalities may require permit coverage to discharge to their MS4 even if the conditions above are not met. 

When do I terminate permit coverage?

You must file a NOT within 14 days of final stabilization of the site, or when you are no longer the operator of the site. If a construction permit expires without being renewed, it will be terminated by the Department. 

Who is required to submit the NOI?

The “operator” of the construction project. The operator is the entity (business, company, etc.) that operates the construction activity/project and has sufficient authority to ensure compliance with the CGP. Typically, the operator is the developer or construction general contractor. Generally, the architect/engineer or project manager should not be indicated as the operator unless they have operational control over the project and are willing to accept responsibility for compliance with the CGP. 

The “responsible authority” is the person who has authority to sign the NOI for the operator. Rule 62-620.305, F.A.C., specifies who may sign permit applications.) The person who signs the NOI assumes responsibility for permit compliance. For instance, the operator may be “The John Smith Development Company” and the responsible authority may be “John Smith, President.” In this case, John Smith would sign the NOI for the John Smith Development Company. 

Can I apply for coverage of Indian Country Lands?

No. States do not have permitting authority on Indian Country Lands for the NPDES CGP. If the project site is in Indian Country Lands, the operator must apply with EPA using EPA’s Central Data Exchange (CDX).

Visit EPA's CGP FAQ document for more information.

Last Modified: Thursday, Feb 13, 2025 - 07:07am