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Duval County Air Monitoring

Air quality data are available for the following sites:

These air monitors are operated by the City of Jacksonville/Duval County.


  • AQS ID # L031-0080, Minerva Street
    Until March of 2018, this site monitored: Sulfur Dioxide ( SO2 ) and Carbon Monoxide ( CO ). It is no longer operational, but historic data are available.
  • AQS ID # L031-0081, Cedar Bay Road
    Until March of 2021, this site monitored: Sulfur Dioxide ( SO2 ). It is no longer operational, but historic data are available.
  • AQS ID # L031-0084, Rosselle Street
    Until June of 2018, this site monitored: Particulate Matter (PM10 ) and Carbon Monoxide ( CO ). It is no longer operational, but historic data are available.
  • AQS ID # L031-0097, Fort Caroline Road
    Until June of 2018. this site monitored: Sulfur Dioxide ( SO2 ). It is no longer operational, but historic data are available.

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The map shows you the general location of the air monitoring stations for this county.

Last Modified:
April 13, 2023 - 9:50am

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