Thanks to a statewide effort, emissions in Florida continue to decrease and are now the lowest they have been on record. The state of Florida has one of the best outdoor air quality monitoring networks in the country, enabling the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to provide accurate and timely data to the state’s residents and visitors. 

A diagram showing the five steps of Air Regulation Through Fair Regulation

The Division of Air Resource Management is charged with the protection and management of Florida’s air resource, including air quality monitoring, permitting, and ensuring compliance of emission sources.

Through a variety of services for its customers — the public and industry — the division manages Florida’s air resource fairly, consistently and efficiently, while implementing state and federal requirements and enabling the economic development of the state. The division provides these services through its Office of Business Planning, Office of Air Monitoring, Permit Review Section and Compliance Assurance Section.

Whom can I contact in my area about air pollution complaints and concerns?

For complaints regarding permitted facilities, odor, dust, smoke or asbestos, please contact a DEP district office or air program in your area.

CLEAN AIR FL Public-Breathing

Visit the Clean Air Florida for air facts, educator resources, videos and other information resources. 

Air Resource Management Programs

Popular Publications

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Air Operation Permits

Information about the requirements and processes for submitting air operation permits.

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Air Construction Permits

Information about the requirements and process for submitting air construction permits.

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Do I need an Air Permit

Modern day businesses employ an assortment of equipment and processes to create a wide variety of commercial products. As such, it is important to plan not only for water demands and waste disposal, but air pollution discharges as well. This document offers guidance for determining if your business needs an air permit.