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Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection Content

Title Type
Summer Sea Turtle Talk Event or Public Notice
Summer Sea Turtle Talk Event or Public Notice
Summer Sea Turtle Talk Event or Public Notice
Summer Sea Turtle Talk Event or Public Notice
Survey of the Southern Coral Disease Boundary Summary Publication
Surveying the Florida Keys Southern Disease Boundary Publication
Sustainable Stone Crabbing In Lignumvitae Event or Public Notice
Tabletop A-frame Publication
TAC Introduction Presentation Publication
Tampa Bay Aquatic Preserves General Content
Tanks at Marinas Presentation Publication
Taylor County General Content
Technical Meeting Support for the Our Florida Reefs Community Working Groups Meetings Publication
Terra Ceia Aquatic Preserve Managed Location
Testing Cdt Time Zone On Event or Public Notice
Thank You for Your Many Decades of Service News or Press Release
The Coral Economy Video Transcript General Content
The Effect of Disease Lesions and Amoxicillin Treatment on the Physiology of SCTLD-affected Corals Publication
The Effects of Climate Change on Florida's Ocean and Coastal Resources Publication
The Homeowner's Guide to the Coastal Construction Control Line Program Publication
The Hourly Rate of Pay for Grant Reimbursement Guide General Content
The Resilient Florida Program Presentation Publication
The role of algal symbionts (genus Breviolum) in the susceptibility of corals to Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease in South Florida Publication
The Role of Outplant Density on Coral Survivorship, Growth, Predation Impacts, and Disease Spread Publication
The Role of Sponge Filtration in Transforming Coastal Water Quality in the Florida Keys Publication


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