Program Rules

62-503State Revolving Loan Program for Water Pollution ControlSets forth the procedures governing the distribution of funding from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund program. Establishes criteria for priority scoring projects, holding public meetings to obligate funding to projects, applying for funding and loan eligibility. 
62-505Small Community Wastewater Construction Grants ProgramSets forth the procedures governing the distribution of funding from the Small Community Wastewater Construction Grants program. Establishes criteria for grant eligibility. 
62-552State Revolving Fund Program for Drinking Water FacilitiesSets forth the procedures governing the distribution of funding from the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund program. Establishes criteria for priority scoring projects, holding public meetings to obligate funding to projects, applying for funding, and loan and grant eligibility.
62-554Water Storage Facility Loan ProgramEstablishes procedures for providing loans to local governments or water supply entities for the development and construction of water storage facilities, including reservoirs.
62-570Innovative Nutrient and Sediment Reduction and Conservation Pilot ProjectEstablishes procedures governing program participation in the Innovative Nutrient and Sediment Reduction and Conservation Pilot Project Program authorized by section 403.0617 of the Florida Statutes. While this statute empowers the department to fund selected nutrient and sediment reduction and conservation pilot projects to test their effectiveness, no funds are yet available.
62ER23-1Hurricane Stormwater and Wastewater Assistance Grant ProgramSets forth the procedures governing the distribution of funding from Hurricane Stormwater and Wastewater Assistance Program. Establishes criteria for grant eligibility and application process. A copy of the application questions is available here.

Rulemaking in the Division of Water Restoration Assistance

At this time there are no active rulemaking activities underway within the division.

Last Modified: Tuesday, Dec 12, 2023 - 02:19pm