The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Program provides low-interest loans to eligible entities for planning, designing and constructing public water facilities under Chapter 62-552, F.A.C. The department receives requests for funding throughout the year. The information is used to establish the project priority list for the following annual cycle.

Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Staff


Funds are made available for planning, design and construction loans. Small, disadvantaged communities may also be eligible for part of the loan's principal to be forgiven, which can significantly reduce the amount owed on a DWSRF loan, ranging from 20-90% of the loan principal. The loan terms include a 20-year (30-year for financially disadvantaged communities) amortization and low-interest rates.

A small, disadvantage community is defined as having a separate public water system (permitted PWS) that serves a population less than 10,000 and whose household income is below the state average. Disadvantaged communities not meeting the definition of small may also qualify for 20% principal forgiveness if funds are available. Loans that include principal forgiveness (like a grant) are only prioritized for funding twice per year - August and February.

Interest Rate

The DWSRF financing rate is determined using the Bond Buyer 20-Bond GO Index average market rate for the full weeks occurring during the three months in the preceding fiscal quarter and applying that average rate to a formula from the rule. There are up to 0.85% in additional rate reductions (the minimum interest rate is 0.2%) that may be assessed based on Davis Bacon requirements, American Iron and Steel requirements, implement of an asset management plan, and constructing a water conservation project.

  • For more information on the interest rate, including the calculation and a chart comparing the bond market rate vs the average SRF interest rates, see our Interest Rate Fact Sheet.

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Last Modified: Friday, Dec 13, 2024 - 05:57pm