Clean Water State Revolving Fund staff

The Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) program provides low-interest loans for planning, designing and constructing water pollution control facilities under Chapter 62-503, F.A.C. The department receives requests for funding throughout the year for wastewater, stormwater, and certain energy and other types of projects. The information gathered in the request is used to establish project priorities for listing projects in order of priority for funding at the beginning of each fiscal year and each quarter, thereafter, as funds are available. 


Funds are made available for Planning LoansDesign Loans and Construction Loans. Small, disadvantaged communities may also be eligible for grants, which, once qualified, can significantly reduce the amount owed on a CWSRF loan. The loan terms include a 20-year amortization and low-interest rates. Financing rates vary based on the median household income, the poverty index, and the unemployment index, but average less than 50% of the market rate.

  • FREE SRF 101 Training Opportunities - Contact the Division Outreach Coordinator for more information about future SRF 101 training opportunities.
  • Looking for application forms, guidance on CWSRF requirement and other documents? The Clean Water Program Manual provides all of the application forms needed for the CWSRF Loan and the Small Community Wastewater Facilities Grants program. It also includes example documents, guidance, other forms, checklists and standard loan agreements.
  • Looking for the CWSRF Intended Use Plan or Annual Report, which outline how the CWSRF funds are used?
  • Need a flowchart summarizing the SRF construction loan process?

Small Community Wastewater Construction Grants Program

The Small Community Wastewater Construction Grants (SCWCG) Program grant program assists small communities and wastewater authorities in planning, designing and constructing wastewater management facilities under Chapter 62-505, F.A.C. An eligible small community must be a municipality, county or authority with a total population of 10,000 or less, and have a per capita income (PCI) less than the state of Florida average PCI. Projects shall compete separately for planning, design and construction grants. 

The highest priority is given to projects that address a public health risk and projects that are included in a Basin Management Action Plan. The grant percentage is determined by the sponsor’s affordability index and is 70, 80 or 90% of the loan amount up to 25% of the funds available during the fiscal year. All projects must receive a Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan to receive these grant funds. Therefore, a SCWCG is applied for the same way as a CWSRF loan, the first step of which is to submit a Request for Inclusion Form.

  • For general information on the SCWCG Program, including recent changes to Chapter 62-505, F.A.C (October 2016), see the SCWCG Fact Sheet.

Water Resources Reform and Development Act

On June 10, 2014, the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014 (WRRDA) was signed into law. Among its provisions are amendments to Titles I, II, V and VI of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA). These amendments require the department to include Davis-Bacon wage rates and American Iron and Steel provision in all loan agreements. To offset the additional costs that result from these new requirements, the base financing rate will be reduced by 1.0% in all construction agreements. Additionally, these amendments will require the development and implementation of a fiscal sustainability plan for all construction loans. This plan must be accepted and implemented prior to the final construction loan disbursement. 

Interest Rate

The CWSRF financing rate is determined using the Bond Buyer 20-Bond GO Index average market rate for the full weeks occurring during the three months in the preceding fiscal quarter and applying that average rate to a formula which also uses the affordability index and population served or to be served as variables in the calculation. The affordability calculation spreadsheet is available to provide an estimation of the loan financing rate. Note that the rate calculated is only valid in the current quarter. There are up to 1.2% in additional rate reductions that may be assessed based on meeting Davis Bacon requirements and American Iron and Steel requirements as well as implementation of an asset management plan and “green” projects.

  • For more information on the interest rate, including the calculation and a chart comparing the bond market rate vs the average SRF interest rates, see the Interest Rate Fact Sheet.


The program is funded by federal grants, state matching funds, loan repayments and interest earnings.

Last Modified: Thursday, Feb 06, 2025 - 02:09pm