These resources for operators and drinking water facilities located in DEP's Northwest District are provided as a service in the effort to safeguard people's health and Florida's natural resources. If you have questions or comments, please contact DEP's Northwest District office at 850-595-8300.

  • Northwest District Drinking Water Program Contact List.
  • Public Water System Contact Information Update Form.
  • Chemical Report Review Guide will help with reviewing laboratory reports.
  • Compliance Schedule Overview provides an overview of the compliance periods and compliance cycles for community water systems (CWS) and non-transient non-community (NTNC) systems.
  • Consumer Confidence Reports (CCRs) are annual water quality reports. All Community Water Systems are required to provide customers with a CCR by July 1 each year. Certification of Delivery must be submitted to the department by August 10. Systems that supply water to other systems must provide CCR data to their consecutive systems by April 1 of each year.
    • 2024 NWD PWS CCR Data workbook.
      • The PWS CCR data workbook contains all DEP Northwest District community water systems’ data for 2024 CCRs. *Please be sure you are sorting the spreadsheet by your system’s PWS ID number by using the arrow at the top of the workbook and searching your PWS ID*
      • This is an Excel workbook that can be sorted by PWS name or ID number and contains multiple tabs for each data set and a violations tab for 2024.
      • Note that this data is what DEP currently has available in databases and some 2024 data has not been received for all systems. Please check with the Department if find this database is missing Bacteriological samples, chlorine residuals, chemical samples, and/or Lead and Copper data required to be placed on your 2024 CCR. 
    • If there are any questions, comments, or concerns about anything related to CCRs, please feel free to contact the PWS shared inbox at
  • 2025 Annual Monitoring Letters (provided by county below)  
    • Transient non-community sampling (TNC) is summarized here.
    • Individual letters are only provided for community water systems (CWS) and non-transient non-community (NTNC) systems.
    • It is ultimately the responsibility of the facility owners to ensure all monitoring is completed and results are submitted timely to the department.   
    • The information provided in these letters is a good faith assessment of the monitoring requirements for each system and we have sought to provide accurate information. Questions about the letter should be directed to the appropriate program personnel (see contact list above).
    • We strongly encourage all systems to conduct sampling early within the designated monitoring periods. This will allow time for resamples, if necessary.
    • To obtain your systems letter: Click on the county name to open a file listing all CWS and NTNC systems in Public Water System (PWS) ID Number order. Lists are Adobe Acrobat files, (Download the free Reader Software from Adobe).  After you open the file, you may then use the find function (the find field in the Edit menu on the Adobe toolbar) to locate your specific system. Or right click and choose search from the popup menu to find your system by name or ID number.
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Last Modified: Friday, Mar 14, 2025 - 03:29pm