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Water Quality Evaluation and TMDL Program Content

Title Type
Suwannee and Santa Fe Rivers Nutrient and Dissolved Oxygen TMDL Publication
Suwannee River Basin Fecal Coliform TMDL & Appendices Publication
Swamp Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL - WBID 427 Publication
Sweetwater Branch Fecal Coliform TMD Publication
Swimming Pen Creek (WBID 2410) DO and Nutrient TMDLs & Doctors Lake (WBID 2389) Nutrient TMDL (6.6 MB) Publication
Sykes Creek/Barge Canal (WBID 3044B) Nutrient TMDL Publication
Tenmile Creek (WBID 3194A) Fecal Coliform TMDL Publication
Terrapin Creek (WBID 2204) Fecal Coliform TMDL Publication
Thirty Mile Creek Nutrients and Dissolved Oxygen TMDL Publication
Tidal Caloosahatchee (WBIDs 3240A, 3240B, and 3240C) Nutrient TMDL (3.4 MB) Publication
TMDL Prioritization 2.0 General Content
TMDL Prioritization 2.0 (2024-2026) Agenda Publication
Tomoka River (WBID 2634) Nutrient TMDL Publication
Trout Creek (WBID 1455) and Mill Creek (WBID 1542A) Fecal Coliform TMDLs Publication
Trout Creek (WBID 3240G) Fecal Coliform TMDL Publication
Trout Creek (WBID 3240G) Fecal Coliform TMDL Publication
Trout Lake Nutrient TMDL Publication
Trout River (WBID 2203) DO and Nutrient TMDLs Publication
Trout River (WBIDs 2203A and 2203) Fecal Coliform TMDL Publication
Tumblin Creek Fecal and Total Coliform TMDL Publication
Turkey Creek (WBID 117) Fecal Coliform TMDL Publication
Unnamed Branch (WBID 2156) Fecal Coliform and Total Coliform TMDLs Publication
Upper Wakulla River Nutrient TMDL Publication
Wacissa River and Springs (WBIDs 3424 and 3424Z) Nutrient TMDL Publication
Wagner Creek (WBID 3288A) Fecal and Total Coliform TMDL Publication


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