Draft TMDL Documents 

  • These TMDL documents are draft versions in support of adopted TMDL rules.

Draft TMDL Documents for Bacteria 

Everglades West Coast Basin

  • Fecal Indicator Bacteria TMDLs for the Everglades West Coast Basin (Draft March 2024)

Draft TMDL Documents for Group 1 Basins

There are currently no draft TMDL documents for Group 1 basins.


Draft TMDL Documents for Group 2 Basins


Middle St. Johns River Basin:


Draft TMDL Documents for Group 3 Basins


There are currently no draft TMDL documents for Group 3 basins.


Draft TMDL Documents for Group 4 Basins

Kissimmee Basin: 

  • Lakes Condel and Anderson (WBIDs 3168X5 and 3168E) (Draft April 2021).
  • Nutrient TMDLs for Lake Glenada (WBID 1813L), Huckleberry Lake (WBID 1893), Red Water Lake (WBID 1938F), and Lake Placid (WBID 1938C) (Draft October 2021).
  • Nutrient TMDLs for Lake Fran (WBID 3169G3), Lake Kozart (WBID 3169G4), Lake Richmond (WBID 3169G6), Lake Walker (WBID 3169G5), and Lake Bumby (WBID 3168W7) (Draft August 2022)



Draft TMDL Documents for Group 5 Basins

There are currently no draft TMDL documents for Group 5 basins.


For more information on the development of water quality restoration goals (TMDLs), send email to Eric.Simpson@FloridaDEP.Gov.

Watershed Evaluation and TMDL Section 
2600 Blair Stone Road - Mail Station 3555
 Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400


Last Modified: Wednesday, Dec 18, 2024 - 07:24am