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Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection Programs

Oleta River State Park - A new growth of mangroves

Aquatic Preserve Program

Florida has 42 aquatic preserves, encompassing 2.6 million acres, along Florida's coastline, except for four located inland near springs and rivers...
Don Pedro Island State Park - Calico Crab on the Beach

Beach Survey Services

Maintains a statewide geodetic control network and surveys the coastline of Florida.
Honeymoon Island State Park - Blue Skies & White Sands on the beach


Protect, restore and manage Florida's coastal systems and 825 miles of sandy coastline.
Sand dunes at Anastasia State Park

Beaches Funding Program

Grants to local governments for the planning and implementation of beach and inlet management projects.
Closeup view ofg A dredging project removes sand from Clam Pass

Beaches, Inlets and Ports Program

Manages permits for coastal construction seaward of the mean high water line as well as permits for activities such as pier construction and...
Yacht and boats at the marina in the evening

Clean Boating Programs

Marina facilities voluntarily unite under the Florida Clean Marina Program and Clean Boating Program to implement environmental best management...
Yachts Marina in Miami Beach

Clean Vessel Act Grant Program

Provides funding assistance for the purchase, installation and maintenance of pumpout equipment for marinas.
Grayton Beach State Park - Fence on the beach

Coastal Construction Control Line Program

Protects coastal systems by regulating structures and activities that can cause beach erosion, destabilize dunes, damage upland properties, or...
Bahia Honda State Park - Sunset over the bridge

Coastal Engineering and Geology Group

The Coastal Engineering and Geology Group (CEGG) provides technical expertise and assistance to the beach erosion control and regulatory programs of...

Coral Protection and Restoration Program

Supports the holistic management of Florida’s Coral Reef by providing leadership for coral reef initiatives and by effectively administering state...


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