Mining and Mitigation Program

The Mining and Mitigation Program regulates mining in Florida. Staff review ERPs and reclamation plans for mines and handle permitting, compliance, inspection and enforcement activities at mine sites.

National Estuarine Research Reserves - Apalachicola

The research reserve includes the lower 52 miles of the Apalachicola River and floodplain as well as most of Apalachicola Bay.

National Estuarine Research Reserves - Guana - Tolomato - Matanzas

The GTM Research Reserve protects 75,761 acres south of Jacksonville on Florida's northeast coast.

National Estuarine Research Reserves - Rookery Bay

Located at the northern end of the Ten Thousand Islands on the Gulf Coast of Florida, the research reserve includes one of the few remaining undisturbed mangrove estuaries in North America.

Nonmandatory Land Reclamation Program

Funding for the reclamation of mined phosphate lands, mined prior to 1975, identified in a 1980 report.

Nonpoint Source Funds

Federal and state grants for projects and practices that reduce water pollution from nonpoint sources such as stormwater.

Northeast District Administration

Contact information for the Director’s Office · Business Planning · Compliance Assurance · Permitting Program · Language Barrier Assistance

Northeast District Compliance Assurance

The Northeast District provides compliance assistance through site visits, technical support, workshops, pre-application meetings and online, printable materials.

Northeast District Permitting

Environmental permits help minimize potential environmental disruption as a result of common human activities. DEP works closely with all parties in implementing its regulatory programs.

Northeast District Topics of Interest

Information about current and ongoing topics of interest to the public.