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  1. Drinking Water Program Manual

    Certification Limited- Acquisition by Condemnation Limited- Land Purchased ...

    Klepper_T - 06/12/2024 - 2:49pm

  2. Designated Marinas- South District

    Yacht Club Sweetwater Landing Marina Tarpon Club Marina Tarpon Point ...

    Grainger_P - 06/27/2024 - 1:50pm

  3. St. Joseph Bay State Buffer Preserve- Controlling Invasive Plant Species

    right-of-ways pose a significant threat to Buffer Preserve lands. Right-of-way ... lands. Staff has also had many adjacent landowners ask for and receive ... by controlling those species on adjacent lands. Other invasive non-native species ...

    Hanson_K - 02/24/2023 - 3:12pm

  4. 2019 Deepwater Horizon Restoration Summit

    Project Manager, The Trust for Public Land Topic: NRDA Florida Artificial ... Topic: Land Acquisition for Resiliency Presenters: Callie DeHaven, Director, Division of State Lands, DEP Topic: Living Shorelines role ...

    Shuck_A - 09/11/2023 - 2:34pm

  5. Florida's Coral Reef

    in shallower water in between the reef and land. Patch reefs are typically small ... poor water quality associated with land-based sources of pollution, ... established along Florida's coast and in the Florida Keys. Land ...

    Pearson_E - 05/22/2024 - 12:23pm

  6. Hillsborough County Brownfield Areas and Sites

    BF291903000 Blue Broadway Green Reuse Area------ BF291902000 JVS Land Holding ... BF290705000 Westshore Landings One Brownfield Area BF290705001 Westshore Landings One  **BSRA Terminated 03/10/2021**-- BF290704000 Tampa Tank ...

    Cross_JL - 07/29/2024 - 11:12am

  7. Beneficial Uses of Wastes and Old Landfills

    and reports on other wastes are available below.   Guidance for Land Application ...

    Fetrow_C - 10/29/2019 - 2:01pm

  8. Retail Bags, Wrappings and Containers Report

    and Wildlife Impacts of Ocean and Land Plastic Litter. Provide Recommendations ...

    Perry_C - 04/08/2022 - 1:13pm

  9. Water Quality Monitoring at ANERR

    long-term changes in the bay caused by upstream water diversions, land ...

    Hanson_K - 08/04/2022 - 4:27pm

  10. Trawling Surveys at ANERR

    bay and surrounding lands. This study, begun in July 2000, attempts ...

    Hanson_K - 08/04/2022 - 4:39pm


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