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  1. Marion County Brownfield Areas and Sites

    County The links on this page will redirect you to the OCULUS database where you can use the "PUBLIC OCULUS LOGIN" button to access ...

    Cross_JL - 03/10/2022 - 8:58am

  2. Sarasota County Brownfield Areas and Sites

    County The links on this page will redirect you to the OCULUS database where you can use the "PUBLIC OCULUS LOGIN" button to access ...

    Hankins_A - 07/10/2024 - 8:32am

  3. Mastering DEP's Online Data Tools Workshop

    of DEP's database management system, Oculus, the South District is looking ...

    Stamper_MG - 08/31/2017 - 4:04pm

  4. Source-Separated Organics Processing Facilities

    of the facility and listing of documents in OCULUS that can be viewed, ...

    Thigpen_H - 04/26/2024 - 8:18am

  5. SOP- 18. Professional Land Survey

    conducted. Previous PLS versions may be uploaded to OCULUS or may be available ... Land Surveys are now stored in OCULUS in their native format.  If you ... it is for the correct site and contains the correct information, then upload to OCULUS ...

    Wright_B - 07/01/2024 - 3:10pm

  6. Tools for Applicants

    an ERP. BIPP Tutorials Nexus Oculus Map Direct  Permitting Fees Coastal ... Management System OCULUS is available to the public to search for and retrieve ... visit the department’s electronic document management system, Oculus ...

    KennyCarmola_I - 10/03/2024 - 7:33am

  7. Manatee County Brownfield Areas and Sites

    County The links on this page will redirect you to the OCULUS database where you can use the "PUBLIC OCULUS LOGIN" button to access ...

    Cross_JL - 08/03/2023 - 2:18pm

  8. Escambia County Brownfield Areas and Sites

    County The links on this page will redirect you to the OCULUS database where you can use the "PUBLIC OCULUS LOGIN" button to access ...

    Cross_JL - 01/17/2024 - 1:00pm

  9. Leon County Brownfield Areas and Sites

    County The links on this page will redirect you to the OCULUS database where you can use the "PUBLIC OCULUS LOGIN" button to access ...

    Cross_JL - 11/25/2024 - 1:26pm

  10. Health & Safety Guidance

    While there are numerous HASPs in DEP OCULUS that can be used ... below. Follow the link and click the "PUBLIC OCULUS LOGIN" button ...

    Wright_B - 05/23/2023 - 9:23am


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