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  1. Collection System Action Plans

    must be submitted to DEP with the next facility permit application for any new permit, permit renewal, or substantial permit revision. ... and inventory of the collection system. Facilities with a permitted capacity over ...

    Barker_M - 07/07/2023 - 2:28pm

  2. Emergency Response

    permit, describe what to report and where. Before hurricane season (June ... in Section IX of the facility permit. An upset is an exceptional incident ... An owner, operator, or authorized representative of a permitted wastewater ...

    Fannon_K - 02/26/2024 - 10:37am

  3. DEP Environmental Emergency Response Contacts

    Nathan Hess Assistant Director   407-897-4140 Reggie Phillips Permitting ... Administrator   904-256-1630 Katie Miller Permitting Program Administrator ...   850-595-0695 Kim Allen Permitting Program Administrator   850-595-0553 Mark ...

    Shuck_A - 05/09/2024 - 12:44pm

  4. Links to References, Guidance and Other Useful Information for Chapter 62-640, F.A.C.

    for Septage  Fact Sheet: Permitting of Septage Management Facilities  (includes checklists for applicants to use when preparing a permit application ... for Applicants Seeking a DEP Septage Management Facility Permit List of Wastewater ...

    Agosto_A - 02/02/2023 - 9:05am

  5. Clean Marina Program

    hazardous materials and may require an air permit, industrial waste water permit or stormwater permit. To achieve designation, the boatyard must ...

    Grainger_P - 08/14/2023 - 2:15pm

  6. About the Florida Coastal Management Program

    resource permits issued pursuant to Chapter 373, Part IV, F.S., are conducted in conjunction with the processing of permit applications by the Florida Department ... resource permit programs. Grant Administration The Florida Coastal Management ...

    Pearson_E - 09/20/2023 - 3:15pm

  7. Public Meeting- Waste Management- Springhill Landfill

    To obtain public comments on the draft exploratory well permit for Waste Management, Inc., who applied on August 15, 2016, for a permit to construct ... at the Springhill facility. The exploratory well permit does not allow injection ...

    Ouellette_D - 06/22/2017 - 10:43am

  8. Public Meeting – City of Miramar – Miramar East Water Treatment Plant

    comments on the draft injection well permit for the City of Miramar who applied on December 20, 2016, for a permit to construct an injection well ... East WTP. The maximum permitted capacity of the well will be 1.5 million ...

    Ouellette_D - 03/30/2017 - 2:40pm

  9. South District Internship Opportunities

    permit. The intern would assist in gathering data for inspections such as file ... Environmental Resource Permitting Intern:  The intern will do field work to assist ... determinations, permitting site evaluations, lease compliance inspections, ...

    Stamper_MG - 08/01/2023 - 1:36pm

  10. DWRM- Hurricane and Tropical Storm Information

    and Storm Guidance Environmental Resource Permitting (ERP) ERP Post Storm ...

    Ouellette_D - 08/09/2023 - 9:41am


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