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Domestic Wastewater Program

Capacity vs Flow

One question that is frequently asked by individuals reviewing domestic wastewater treatment facility data is:

What is the difference between capacity and flow?

This short article provides guidance on the significance and use of these terms.


“Flow” is the easier of the two terms to grasp. It simply is the actual amount of water flowing by a particular point over some specified time. In most cases, we report flow in terms of millions of gallons per day. You will see this unit of measurement abbreviated as “MGD.”

Annual Agency Reuse Reports - Water Reuse for State Agencies, State Universities, and Water Management Districts

Annual Agency Reuse Reports are due February 1 of each year. All state agencies, state universities, and water management districts are required to submit Annual Agency Reuse Reports.

Florida Statutes direct all state agencies, state universities, and water management districts to use reclaimed water to the greatest extent practicable. Florida Statutes also require submittal of Annual Agency Reuse Reports to the Secretary of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) on or before February 1, detailing efforts to use reclaimed water.

Domestic Wastewater Wetlands as Reuse

Rule 62-610.810(2)g, F.A.C., allows for certain wetlands for wastewater treatment to be classified as "reuse." This rule states that wetlands creation, restoration and enhancement projects can be considered reuse if the applicant provides an affirmative demonstration that reclaimed water will be used to create, restore or enhance the wetlands. The wetlands creation, restoration or enhancement aspects must be described in detail and documented. 


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