In 1984, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) implemented a used oil management program under sections 403.75 through 403.769, Florida Statutes. Florida’s Used Oil Recycling Program has grown to become one of the most successful in the United States and has received national recognition.

Annual Used Oil Registration and Renewal Information

Online Used Oil Registration

Currently Registered Used Oil Handlers (Transporters)

This list provides general information on Used Oil Handlers registered through June 30 of each year with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.

This list does not account for the insurance expiration date being past due, as that is updated only upon re-registration which occurs by June 30 of each year.

Public Used Oil Collection Centers (PUOCC) - Voluntary

DEP encourages Floridians to protect natural resources and underground drinking water supplies by properly disposing of used motor oil at public collection centers throughout the state.

Recycling and properly disposing of used oil will prevent contamination of Florida's water. The department's used oil recycling voluntary program provides Floridians with a simple and effective way to dispose of up to 5 gallons of used oil free of charge.

Nationwide, approximately 200 million gallons of used oil are dumped on the ground or poured into storm drains every year. Improperly disposed oil can contaminate drinking water and harm aquatic animals and plant life. Just 5 gallons of motor oil can render 1 million gallons of water undrinkable. The oil can also create a film on top of rivers and lakes, depriving aquatic plant life of necessary sunlight and nutrients.

Statewide, only 35% of the more than 7 million gallons of motor oil used annually is recycled. DEP strives to prevent environmental damage by encouraging Floridians to recycle used oil at one of the Public Used Oil Collection Centers located throughout the state.

In 2008, Florida's nationally recognized Public Used Oil Collection Centers successfully recycled 2,302,169 gallons of used oil.

Annual PUOCC Registration and Renewal Information

Public Used Oil Collection Centers

This is a list of collection centers that accept used oil from the public. It is searchable by county, zip code, or city.

Links of Interest

Federal Used Oil Management Rule

Related Links

Contact the Used Oil Recycling Coordinator, Janet Ashwood or call 850-245-8789.

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Last Modified: Tuesday, Mar 04, 2025 - 08:24am