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Delegation of Authority (Sample)

Document Type: 
Author Name: 
Financial Assurance Working Group

General Information

  • In general, the person who signs for the the owner or operator on financial and legal documents should be the president of a corporation, managing member of an LLC, or equivalent for entity type.
  • A Delegation of Authority letter is used to authenticate other authorized signers.
  • The Delegation of Authority letter should accompany the financial instrument or permit application, etc., it is intended to supplement. If being sent by separate cover (e.g., 'after the fact'), include reference to the document(s) it is associated with.

Address Letter to Appropriate Regulator

Included below are several programs for which Delegation of Authority letters are occasionally needed.

  • Financial Assurance Documents for Solid and Hazardous Waste Programs:
    Financial Assurance Working Group
    Florida Department of Environmental Protection
    2600 Blair Stone Road  MS 4548
    Tallahassee, Florida  32399-2400
  • Class I Landfill permit applications:
    Solid Waste Permitting Section
    Florida Department of Environmental Protection
    2600 Blair Stone Road  MS 4565
    Tallahassee, Florida  32399-2400

  • Permit applications sent to District or Delegated County offices:
    Insert their address [Districts] [Delegated Counties]

  • Florida Notification of Regulated Waste Activity (8700-12FL):
    DEP Waste Management Division – HWRS
    2600 Blair Stone Road  MS 4560
    Tallahassee, Florida  32399-2400

  • NPDES Stormwater Program -  Construction Generic Permit (CGP), Multi-Sector Generic Permit (MSGP), No Exposure Certifications (NEX) and Notice of Termination (NOT):
    Please use their Delegation Letter form and email it to:

  • Petroleum Storage Tank Financial Responsibility documents:
    "To:  DEP Compliance Assistance Program"
    Attach to financial responsibility documents that are kept at the facility and have available for Inspector’s to review (especially) at the time of site inspections.

The link to the Delegation of Authority sample form is near the top of this page.

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Last Modified:
August 19, 2024 - 4:42pm

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