Collecting ground water samples from a temporary screen point

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection's (DEP) Site Investigation Section (SIS) conducts assessments of known or suspected soil and groundwater contamination across the State of Florida. The Section serves to protect the state's residents, visitors, and environment by issuing technical reports to support direct assessment and cleanup decisions. Additionally, Site Investigation staff provide technical assistance to support research-oriented environmental projects.

Since its inception in 1982, Site Investigation staff have conducted or supervised over 775 environmental studies. These studies are wide-ranging and have included assessments of facilities such as those specializing in electronics manufacturing, electroplating, dry cleaning, equipment repair, printing, and commercial storage/application areas for solvents, pesticides and fuel. Staff also routinely conduct large-scale investigations to determine the sources of groundwater contamination affecting public and private supply wells. More recently, SIS has been actively involved in assessments related to emerging contaminants.

Site Investigation staff also oversee the State Owned Lands Cleanup Program (SOLCP). Founded in 2001, the program addresses potential health-related and environmental issues on state-owned properties. The program is funded by the Florida Legislature and is available to all state agencies. Over 450 areas of concern on over 100 state-owned properties have been assessed.

Site Investigation personnel consist of scientists, licensed monitor well drillers and technicians. To support various assessment needs, SIS maintains and operates a Geoprobe Model 6600 direct push unit with hydraulic profiling and electrical conductivity capabilities, as well as a Geoprobe Model 5410 direct push unit. Overflow assessments are conducted by licensed environmental firms and may include specialized services such as mobile laboratory, borehole geophysics, soil gas analysis, and ground penetrating radar. All contracted work is directed by experienced DEP contract managers.

Sites requiring assessment are referred to the Site Investigation Section by the DEP district offices. Individuals who seek to report environmental concerns should contact the DEP district office that manages the area of interest. Incidents of environmental contamination requiring an immediate response, such as spills, should be reported directly to the State Watch Office (1-800-320-0519).

Useful Links


For more information contact:

John Travis, Environmental Administrator
Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Site Investigation Section
2600 Blair Stone Road, MS 4515 
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 
Office: 850-245-8943






Last Modified: Friday, Dec 13, 2024 - 05:57pm