What activities are covered under the NPDES Generic Permit for Discharges From Petroleum Contaminated Sites?

Coverage under Department’s NPDES Generic Permit for Discharges From Petroleum Contaminated Sites, Rule 62-621.300(1), F.A.C., constitutes authorization to discharge treated ground water and stormwater that has been contaminated with automotive gasoline, aviation gasoline, jet fuel or diesel fuel to surface waters of the State pursuant to the Department’s federally-approved National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program, provided all criteria specified in this generic permit are met.

Does this generic permit authorize discharges to Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4)?

This generic permit does not relieve the permittee from the responsibility for obtaining any other permits required by the Department (DEP) or any federal, state or local agency, including Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) authorities (i.e. local governments).

Where do I submit a request for coverage under this generic permit?

Complete and submit DEP Form 62-621.300(1)(b), F.A.C., supporting documentation and the $100.00 application fee to the appropriate District Office. Electronic submittal is preferred and is available at the DEP Business Portal. Additional information on electronic submittal of this generic permit is available at the Industrial Wastewater Business Portal Frequently Asked Questions.

Note: All Notices of Intent submitted after December 21, 2020 shall be submitted electronically.

How do I know the name of  the “receiving water body” for my facility/site?

Applicants may use the Department’s public mapping application Map Direct to help with the name of the facility’s receiving water body.

Are sites discharging more than 30 days required to have a Remedial Action Plan order?

Yes. To obtain coverage under this generic permit sites that discharge more than 30 days (long term discharge) are required to have a DEP approved Remedial Action Plan (RAP).

Is evidence of a Remedial Action Plan or evidence of a site assessment required?

The applicant is required to provide the date the Remedial Action Plan order was approved by DEP. When a site assessment is available, the applicant is required to provide the date the site assessment, prepared in accordance with Chapter 62-780, F.A.C., was conducted. The Department may request further evidence if discrepancies with DEP records are encountered.

Is the applicant required to submit the Pollution Prevention Plan?

The submittal of the Pollution Prevention Plan (PPP) is not required by the generic permit. The applicant for a site that will discharge one (1) year or more must confirm that a PPP has been developed and available upon request. In addition, the applicant will also need to confirm that an evaluation of alternative disposal options was conducted.

Is the applicant required to submit and obtain approval of the site’s Best Management Practices?

Submittal of Best Management Practices (BMPs) is not required. The BMPs shall be prepared in accordance with Rule 62-621.260, F.A.C., and in conjunction with the development of the Remedial Action Plan required by the Department. In addition, Rule 62-621.260, F.A.C., requires the permittee to maintain the BMP plan at the facility and make the plan available to the Department upon request. However, DEP does not approve the BMPs.

When a site assessment is not available, how is the applicable screening criteria for a short term discharge (less than 30 days) to predominantly fresh waters determined?

Part VIII.C.1.b of DEP Form 62-621.300(1)(b), F.A.C., includes instructions on how to calculate the applicable screening criteria using the equations specified in Rule 62-302.530, F.A.C. However, the applicant may also use DEP’s Metals Criteria Calculator to determine the applicable screening criteria.

Is the applicant required to submit copies of the laboratory results of the analytical tests of untreated ground water samples?

The applicant is not required to submit with DEP Form 62-621.300(1)(b), F.A.C., copies of the laboratory results of the analytical tests of untreated ground water samples. The laboratory results shall be reported by the applicant in Part VIII.C.1 or Part VIII.C.2 of DEP Form 62-621.300(1)(b), F.A.C., as applicable. The Department may request copies of the laboratory results if there are questions about the submitted application.

How do I submit my Discharge Monitoring Reports?

Long term dischargers (sites discharging more than 30 days),  are required to submit Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) electronically. More information can be obtained at the Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report System (EzDMR) page.

Note: Short term dischargers (sites discharging less tha 30 days) are not required to submit DMRs to the Department. Effluent monitoring results shall be kept onsite and made available to the Department upon request.

What are the recordkeeping requirements for sites under this generic permit?

Part VII of DEP Form 62-621.300(1)(a), identifies the applicable record keeping requirements of this generic permit. In addition, if these records are kept off-site, the applicant shall provide the physical address of site where records will be kept.

Note: Location must be accessible by the Department.

Last Modified: Wednesday, Dec 04, 2024 - 12:31pm