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Industrial Wastewater Generic/General Permits

Generic Permits

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) issues generic permits to regulate a category of wastewater facilities or activities only if they all involve the same or substantially similar types of operations; discharge the same types of wastes or engage in the same types of residuals or industrial sludge use or disposal practices; require the same effluent limitations, operating conditions, or standards for residuals or industrial sludge use or disposal; or require the same or similar monitoring.

Discharges from Petroleum Contaminated Sites

Authorizes a generic permit for any person constructing or operating a system discharging treated ground water and storm water that has been contaminated by automotive gasoline, aviation gasoline, jet fuel or diesel fuel designed and operated in accordance with Rule 62-621.300(1), F.A.C., provided that all the conditions of this rule are met.

Notice of Intent to Use the NPDES Generic Permit for Discharges from Petroleum Contaminated Sites

This NPDES form can now be completed and submitted electronically through the DEP Business Portal. Information on how to complete, submit a notice, pay permit fees and how to register to use the Business Portal can be found in the Industrial Wastewater Business Portal Frequently Asked Questions.

Discharge of Ground Water from Dewatering Operations

Authorizes a generic permit for any person discharging ground water from dewatering operations, designed and operated in accordance with Rule 62-621.300(2), F.A.C., through a point source to surface waters of the state provided that all the conditions of this rule are met.

Notice of Intent to Use the Generic Permit for Discharge of Ground Water from Dewatering Operations

This NPDES form can now be completed and submitted electronically through the DEP Business Portal. Information on how to complete, submit a notice, pay permit fees and how to register to use the Business Portal can be found in the Industrial Wastewater Business Portal Frequently Asked Questions.

Discharges from Concrete Batch Plants

Authorizes a generic permit for any person constructing or operating wastewater and stormwater management systems for new or existing concrete batch plants designed and operated in accordance with Rule 62-621.300(3), F.A.C., provided that all the conditions of this rule are met. This generic permit does not apply to the construction, alteration, operation, maintenance, abandonment, or removal of any stormwater management system, dam, impoundment, reservoir, or appurtenant work or works, including dredging or filling, in, on or over wetlands and other surface waters, as determined by the methodology authorized in Subsection 373.421(1), F.S., or the construction, alteration, operation, maintenance, abandonment or removal of any stormwater management system, dam, impoundment, reservoir, or appurtenant work or works within the Sensitive Karst Areas Basin as defined in Rule 40C-41.023(5), F.A.C.

Notice of Intent to Use Generic Permit for Discharges from Concrete Batch Plants

Pollutant Discharges to Surface Waters of the State from the Application of Pesticides

Coverage under this generic permit is available for discharges of pollutants resulting from the application of pesticides (biological pesticides and chemical pesticides which leave a residue) to surface waters of the state from the following use patterns: 1. Mosquito and Other Flying Insect Pest Control; 2. Aquatic Weed and Algae Control; 3. Aquatic Nuisance Animal Control; and 4. Forest Canopy or Other Area Wide Pest Control.

Notice of Intent (NOI) to Comply with the Terms of the Generic Permit for Pollutant Discharges to Surface Waters of the State from the Application of Pesticides

Discharges from Fresh Citrus Fruit Packinghouses to Percolation Ponds

Authorizes a generic permit for any person constructing or operating a system discharging wash water generated by the operations defined as fresh citrus fruit packinghouses disposed of in percolation ponds designed and operated in accordance with Rule 62-621.500(1), F.A.C., provided that all the conditions of this rule are met. This generic permit prohibits discharge of the following, but is not limited to: stormwater, sanitary wastewater generated by employees of the facility, wastewater generated by washing or maintaining mobile equipment, or wastewater generated by ancillary operations.

Notice of Intent to use the Generic Permit for Discharges from Fresh Citrus Fruit Packinghouses to Percolation Ponds

General Permits

“General permit” means a permit issued by rule of the department under Section 403.814, F.S., which authorizes a person to undertake certain activities, which when performed in accordance with the specific requirements and practices set forth in the general permit have a minimal adverse environmental effect. This type of permit is available only for certain groundwater discharges.

Permit for a Wastewater Disposal System for a Laundromat

Authorizes a general permit for any person constructing or operating a wastewater disposal system for a laundromat designed and operated in accordance with Rule 62-660.801, provided that all the conditions of this rule are met.

Permit for Car Wash Systems

Authorizes a general permit for any person constructing or operating a car wash treatment, disposal and recycle system, designed and operated in accordance with this rule, provided that all of the conditions of this rule are met.

Permit for Sand and Limestone Mines

Authorizes a general permit for any person constructing or operating a sand or limestone mine designed and operated in accordance with this rule, provided that all of the conditions of this rule are met.

Permit for Disposal of Tomato Wash Water

Authorizes a general permit for any person constructing or operating a treatment and disposal system for wash water from the packaging of fresh market tomatoes with a wash tank discharging between 5,000 and 50,000 gallons per day, provided that all of the conditions of this rule are met.

Permit for Disposal of Fresh Citrus Fruit Wash Water

Authorizes a general permit for any person constructing or operating a wastewater treatment and spray-field land application effluent disposal system for wash water from fresh citrus fruit packinghouses as defined in paragraph 62-660.806(2)(c), F.A.C. This general permit applies to facilities that generate more than 5,000 gallons per day of wash water during the operating season, provided that all of the conditions of this rule are met.

Last Modified:
July 18, 2024 - 9:56am

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