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Nonpoint Source Pollution Education

DEP's Nonpoint Source Pollution Management Program (NPSM) is committed to educating the public about and helping to prevent nonpoint pollution, which can affect water quality. Nonpoint source pollution is the result of runoff from stormwater picking up and carrying natural and human-made pollutants from diffuse sources and depositing them into lakes, rivers, springs, wetlands, coastal waters and ground water. Common nonpoint source pollution sources include sediment, leaf litter, pet waste, landscape inputs such as fertilizers, herbicides and insecticides, and nutrients from septic systems.

To sign up for updates on nonpoint source pollution education information, meetings and bulletins, please enter your email address under the Subscribe section below.

The NPSM program offers the following campaigns and resources for educators throughout the state:

Flip My Florida Yard Television Series

The successful DEP-sponsored Flip My Florida Yard (FMFY) television series is funded and overseen by the NPSM program. FMFY is a Florida-based gardening-themed television show that "flips" select Florida yards (in eight hours) to become more Florida-friendly, while the homeowners visit one of the state's award-winning state parks. The show provides public education about and promotion for the Florida-Friendly LandscapingTM (FFL) Program. Two seasons of FMFY have been produced and aired/are streaming on PBS stations and the Discover Florida Channel. Season three of the show is currently underway. 

Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Website

The Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ (FFL) program was established in 1993 as a partnership between DEP and the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. The program teaches environmentally friendly landscaping through nine science-based principals: 1) Right Plant, Right Place; 2) Water Efficiently; 3) Fertilize Appropriately; 4) Mulch; 5) Attract Wildlife; 6) Manage Yard Pests Responsibly; 7) Recycle; 8) Reduce Storm Water Runoff; and 9) Protect the Waterfront. The program’s overall goal is to reduce nonpoint source pollution through proper fertilization, irrigation, and pesticide use on residential and commercial landscapes.

Green Stormwater Infrastructure Website

Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) is the use of plants and pervious surfaces to retain and treat stormwater. GSI reduces pollution and treats stormwater by retaining rainfall near its source instead of directing it to a centralized pond or treatment system.


Nonpoint Source Education Grant Funding

Nonpoint source education projects are eligible for funding through the Federal Clean Water Act 319(h) Grant. Priority is given to projects that promote behavior change (rather than informative education) through methods such as community based social marketing.

Community-Based Social Marketing Resources:  

Example Education Campaigns and Resources:

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact the program's Grant Coordinator.

Archived Materials

The NPSM Program has a basic file transfer service for archiving nonpoint source educational materials. Visit the Archived Materials Folder to review materials from around the state.  

To submit content to be added to the archive, contact the Nonpoint Source Education Coordinator.

Additional Resources

Florida Water Star

South Florida Water Management District – Education Center

Southwest Florida Water Management District – Free Publications

St. Johns River Water Management District – Educational Resources

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Nonpoint Source Outreach Toolbox

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Septic Smart Education

To sign up for updates on nonpoint source pollution education information, meetings and bulletins, please enter your contact information below.

Subscribe to the Nonpoint Source Pollution Education Subscription List

Last Modified:
September 23, 2024 - 12:03pm

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