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Water Project Funding Sources

Splashing Water

Need help finding the right funding source for your community's water project or program?

Here you will find a handy table of the various funding sources for local governments, state agencies, utilities and other entities eligible to possibly construct, plan, design or manage a water-related project, including beach restoration projects and water-quality education programs. Contact division program staff for additional information or if you have any questions.

Funding Source Description Eligibility Example Projects Notes Responsible Program
State Water-quality Assistance Grant Annually, the state Legislature provides approximately $5 million in Water Quality Assistance Grant funding for the implementation of best management practices designed to reduce pollutant loads to waters not meeting water quality standards from urban stormwater discharges. The following Florida entities: local governments and water management districts. Construction of urban stormwater Best Management Practices. Matching funds are not required but local contributions are encouraged. Nonpoint Source Management Program
Federal Clean Water Act Section 319(h) Grants The 319(h) Grant is a federally funded grant for projects that address nonpoint source pollution. Approximately $5 to $6 million is available each year depending on federal appropriations. The following Florida entities: state agencies, local governments and special districts, public universities and water management districts. Bioswales, green roofs, pervious pavement, plantings for bank stabilization, low-impact development projects, erosion control best management practices (BMPs), education related to nonpoint source pollution, agriculture demonstration projects, septic to sewer projects (laying laterals from residences and/or businesses to main sewer line, connection to line, and grinding station), and monitoring activities for project to evaluate BMP effectiveness. Non-federal, matching funds or in-kind contributions are required. Nonpoint Source Management Program
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Low-interest loans to design and build or upgrade drinking water systems. Principal forgiveness available for disadvantaged communities. Water providers, including local governments, special districts and private utilities. Construction of a water supply well, extension of water mains and distribution system, installation of new water storage, upgrading or expansion of a water treatment plant, repairing existing water infrastructure, implementation of water conservation program, replacing water meters, drafting a water facilities plan, designing a water treatment or storage system, etc. Discounted assistance for small communities as well as principal forgiveness (aka grants) may be available for disadvantaged communities. Interest rates on loans are typically well below market rates. Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program
Clean Water State Revolving Fund Low-interest loans to plan, design, and build or upgrade wastewater, stormwater, and nonpoint source pollution prevention projects. Principal forgiveness available for disadvantaged communities. Local governments and special districts. Construction of wastewater collection system, replacing or expanding reclaimed water lines, upgrading a wastewater or reuse treatment facility, construction of stormwater treatment system, rehabilitating lift stations, installation of solar panels at wastewater treatment facility, drafting a wastewater facilities plan, designing a wastewater system, etc. Interest rates on loans are below market rates and vary based on the economic wherewithal of the community. Discounted assistance (aka grants) for small communities is also available. Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program
Small Community Wastewater Construction Grant Grants for wastewater management infrastructure for municipalities with fewer than 10,000 people and per capita incomes less than the state per capita income. Small, disadvantaged local governments as defined in the description that own or operate a wastewater treatment system. Similar to projects for Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program except only wastewater construction projects are eligible. Must accompany a Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan where the grant pays back a percentage of the loan. Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program
Local Government Funding for Beach and Inlet Management Projects Grants for the planning and implementation of beach and inlet management projects to protect upland structures and infrastructure, to provide critical habitat for threatened and endangered species, to provide recreational opportunities and to support local economies through tourism. Florida's local governments, including county and municipal governments, community development districts and special taxing districts. Eligible activities include beach restoration and nourishment activities, project design and engineering studies, environmental studies and monitoring, inlet management planning, inlet sand transfer, dune restoration and protection activities, and other beach erosion prevention related activities consistent with the adopted Strategic Beach Management Plan. The program is authorized by Section 161.101, Florida Statutes. Beach Management Funding Assistance Program
Water Supply Restoration Grant Grant money provided for restoration of a water supply, public and private, where heath hazards exist due to contamination caused by human activities, such as EDB. Potable well owners. Restoration activities include provisions for bottled water on a temporary basis, after which a more stable and convenient source of potable water is provided through the use of filters or connection to public water systems. Funding for this program is provided by Water Quality Assurance Trust Fund and the Inland Protection Trust Fund. Water Supply  Restoration Program
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund (NFWF) NFWF’s Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund administers funds arising from plea agreements that resolve the criminal cases against BP and Transocean. The Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) and the department work directly with NFWF to identify projects for the state of Florida, in consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. $356 million is allocated for projects within the state of Florida. Project selection is conducted yearly, with pre-proposals submitted to NFWF in March, full proposals submitted in June, and the NFWF Board making awards in November. Projects are vetted and submitted by the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission and the department, after consultation with the Governor’s office, to NFWF for consideration. Florida solicits project proposals from the public by way of the Project Portal. Dune restoration; improvements to freshwater inflows to priority bays; oyster restoration; reduce light pollution, nest predation and other activities to increase reproductive success of sea turtles, etc.
NFWF’s Gulf Environmental Benefit Funds are used to remedy harm to natural resources (habitats, species) where there has been injury to, or destruction of, loss of, or loss of use of those resources resulting from the oil spill.
GEBF priorities include: 1) restoring and maintaining coastal habitats, 2) restoring and maintaining bays and estuaries, and 3) replenishing and protecting living resources
Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) The Deepwater Horizon oil spill was subject to the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 which authorizes certain state and federal agencies (”Trustees”) to evaluate the natural resource injuries of the oil spill, and work to make the environment and public whole from those injuries. The Trustees reached a $8.8 billion settlement with BP to resolve BP’s liability for natural resource injuries under which restoration in Florida is allocated $680 million over 15 years. The department and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, in consultation with the Governor’s office, vet and submit projects to the Florida Trustee Implementation Group for funding consideration. Florida solicits project proposals from the public by way of the Project Portal. Stormwater improvements, pier construction, kayak launch, dune restoration, living shorelines, land acquisition, hydrologic restoration, shorebird predation control, etc. NRDA funds are used to offset damages to the public caused by the Deepwater Horizon Spill. NRDA goals include (1) restoring and conserving habitat, (2) restoring water quality, (3) replenishing and protecting coastal and marine resources, and (4) providing and enhancing recreational opportunities.

The Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast Act of 2012 (RESTORE Act) The RESTORE Act allocates to the Gulf Coast Restoration Trust Fund 80 percent of the Clean Water Act administrative and civil penalties resulting from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill through specific allocation requirements. The Council-Selected Restoration Component (Bucket 2), a competitive allocation, will receive 30 percent or $1.6 billion plus interest over 15 years. Florida, as one of 11 members of the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council, is eligible to submit projects for Bucket 2 funding. The Governor’s office represents Florida on the Council and submits projects to the Council for funding consideration. Florida solicits project proposals from the public by way of the Project Portal. Stormwater improvements, wastewater projects, hydrologic restoration, living shorelines, land acquisition, etc. The Council implements the five goals of the Comprehensive Plan: Restoring the Gulf’s Ecosystem and Economy: 1) restore and conserve habitat, 2) restore water quality and quantity, 3) replenish and protect living resources, 4) enhance community resilience, and 5) restore and revitalize gulf economy.

Last Modified:
February 1, 2024 - 8:52am

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