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DEP Funding Opportunities

Funding Sections: Water Restoration | Resilience and Coastal Protection | Air Quality | Land and Recreation | Waste Management




The Florida Department of Environmental Protection launched this online grant portal to provide eligible entities, including local governments, higher education, nonprofit organizations, and for-profit organizations that receive state financial assistance, the opportunity to submit proposals that will bolster existing efforts to protect and restore Florida’s water resources.

The deadline for water-related grant program proposals is extended through July 31, 2024, for Fiscal Year 2024-25. Applicants are encouraged to submit proposals for all grant programs they may be eligible. Any information submitted to the department will become a public record, subject to disclosure in accordance with chapter 119, Florida statutes, and article 1, §24 of the Florida constitution. Please note that submittal of a project proposal does not create an agreement, nor does it guarantee funding. 

Water Restoration Funding 

Water Quality Improvement Grants 

Grants included within this application are the Water Quality Improvement Grant, the Indian River Lagoon Water Quality Improvement Grant, the Biscayne Bay Water Quality Improvement Grant and the Caloosahatchee Water Quality Improvement Grant. 

Alternative Water Supply Grants

This grant is available to local governments and nonstate entities to help communities plan for and implement water conservation, reuse, and other water supply and water resource development projects.  

Springs Restoration Grant  Program

This grant is available to local governments and nonstate entities for land acquisition to protect springs and for capital projects that protect the quality and quantity of water that flows from springs.    

Wetlands Restoration and Protection Grants

This grant is available to local governments and nonstate entities for wetlands restoration and protection.  

Innovative Technology for Harmful Algal Blooms 

This grant is available to local governments and nonstate entities for projects that evaluate and implement innovative technologies and short-term solutions to combat harmful algal blooms and nutrient enrichment, restore and preserve Florida’s fresh waterbodies, and implement certain water quality treatment technologies.    

Local Government Water Supply Pilot Grant Program 

This grant is available to  local governments for water supply infrastructure (including distribution and transmission facilities) in the Northwest Florida Regional Water Supply Planning Regions I or II. To be eligible, the project must be located within Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, or Walton County.    

Nonpoint Source Management Grants 

This grant is available to local governments and nonstate entities to implement eligible shovel-ready stormwater treatment projects that reduce or eliminate nonpoint source nutrient pollution in verified impaired waterbodies. Funding is also available for projects that implement nonpoint source pollution best management practices, public education programs to prevent pollution and septic abandonment/connection to sewer on private property. 

State Water Quality Assistance Grants

Funding for water quality improvement projects targeting specific areas or specific pollutant sources. Projects may include septic-to-sewer, wastewater, stormwater and other projects that improve water quality.  

Clean Water State Revolving Fund Loan (CWSRF) 

Florida’s largest financial assistance program for clean water infrastructure provides low-interest loans to local governments to plan, design and build or upgrade wastewater, stormwater and nonpoint source pollution prevention projects. Certain agricultural best management practices may also qualify for funding. The loan terms include a 20-year amortization and low-interest rates.    

Small Community Wastewater Facility Grants 

Available for recipients of the Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan for the construction of wastewater facilities in municipalities with 10,000 or fewer people and per capita income levels below Florida's average.    

Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Loans 

Low-interest loans for local governments and certain private utilities to plan, design, and build or upgrade drinking water systems. Principal forgiveness (grants) also may be available for disadvantaged communities.   

Innovative Wastewater Technologies Grants

This grant program is available to local governments and non-state entities to pilot emerging and innovative technologies at private and government-owned utilities that are designed to reduce the presence of contaminants of emerging concern in wastewater, including pharmaceuticals.  

Deepwater Horizon Funding 

Funding streams were created for compensation for injury/damage under the Natural Resource Damage Assessment, civil penalties administered under the RESTORE Act and a criminal settlement administered by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation's Gulf Environmental Benefits Fund. Each of the funding streams is tied to a particular type of injury or violation, and each one is administered differently.

Nonmandatory Land Reclamation Grants 

Funding for reclamation of property mined for phosphate prior to the 1975 introduction of regulatory requirements for reclamation. The grant program reimburses landowners for approved costs of reclamation work to improve environmental and economic utility of lands by removing safety hazards and improving water quality and quantity in affected watersheds.     

Resilience and Coastal Protection Funding 

Resilient Florida Planning Grants   

This grant supports counties and municipalities with resilience planning efforts, including further assessment of vulnerabilities of critical assets, adaptation planning, and complying with the "Peril of Flood" statute, which helps to ensure coastal communities will recover faster after natural disasters.  Water management districts are also eligible to receive funding through this program to assist the  Florida Flood Hub for Applied Science and Innovation in addressing gaps in available data. 

Portal Opens July 1 

Resilient Florida Implementation Grants 

This grant is available to counties, municipalities, and certain special districts for implementation projects that address risks of flooding or sea level rise identified in a local government vulnerability assessment. Funding is also available for water management districts, drainage districts, erosion control districts, flood control districts and regional water supply authorities to mitigate the risks of flooding or sea level rise on water supplies or water resources of the state. 

Portal Opens July 1.  

Florida’s Coral Reef Restoration and Recovery Initiative Grants

This grant program provides funding for academic and private partnerships to implement Florida's Coral Reef Restoration and Recovery Initiative to  establish, expand and maintain in-state propagation and grow-out facilities; develop and implement strategies and site-specific restoration plans including curriculum for a trained workforce;  and reinforce and expand restoration efforts across Florida’s Coral Reef.   

Florida’s Coral Reef Restoration and Recovery Initiative Grants   

This grant program provides funding for academic and private partnerships to implement Florida's Coral Reef Restoration and Recovery Initiative to  establish, expand and maintain in-state propagation and grow-out facilities; develop and implement strategies and site-specific restoration plans including curriculum for a trained workforce;  and reinforce and expand restoration efforts across Florida’s Coral Reef.   

Coastal Partnership Initiative Grants  

Funding to protect and effectively manage Florida’s coastal resources at the local level. Florida's 35 coastal counties and all municipalities within the county boundaries are eligible if they are required to include a coastal element in their local comprehensive plan. Florida public colleges and universities, regional planning councils, national estuary programs and nonprofit groups also may apply with an eligible local government partner.  

State Agency and Water Management District Grants 

Provides federal National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration funds for state agencies and water management districts for projects related to coastal resource protection. 

Clean Vessel Act Grant 

Funding for  up to 75% of eligible project costs relating to a marina's pump out waste-handling facilities, including site preparation, equipment purchase, installation, operations, maintenance, sewage hauling  and educational outreach.   

Beaches Management Funding Assistance Program  

Funding for local governments to plan and implement beach restoration/nourishment projects on beaches that are critically eroded and publicly accessible and consistent with the state’s Strategic Beach Management Plan as well as for the management of inlet sand bypassing/inlet management plan implementation projects.  

Biscayne Bay Water Quality Improvement 

Funding for local governments and nonstate entities to strengthen ongoing efforts to protect Biscayne Bay. Project proposals can include wastewater improvements (including septic-to-sewer), stormwater management and other projects that will help improve water quality in Biscayne Bay. 

Hurricane Restoration Reimbursement Grant Program 

Funding available for coastal property owners (multi-family, site-built, residential properties, not to exceed four units) with coastal beach erosion from either Hurricanes Ian or Nicole or both within the listed impacted counties: Brevard, Broward, Charlotte, Collier, Duval, Flagler, Indian River, Lee, Manatee, Martin, Nassau, Palm Beach, Saint Johns, Saint Lucie, Sarasota and Volusia. This grant will cover reimbursement of construction costs associated with sand placement or temporary or permanent coastal armoring.

Air Quality Funding

Volkswagen Settlement Funding Funding for specified diesel emission reduction projects. These projects are intended to offset excess emissions of NOx caused by the subject vehicles in order to fully mitigate the total, lifetime excess NOx emissions from the 2.0-liter and 3.0-liter vehicles.   

Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) State Grant Program 

Provides funding for projects that mitigate diesel emissions from mobile sources. Eligible projects are specified in EPA’s DERA Program Guide. 

Land and Recreation Funding 

Parks and Open Space Florida Forever Grant Program 

Funding for local governments and nonprofit environmental organizations to acquire conservation lands, urban open spaces, parks and greenways. 

Stan Mayfield Working Waterfronts Florida Forever Grant Program 

Funding for the acquisition of lands used directly for the restoration and preservation of working waterfronts. Local governments and nonprofit working waterfronts organizations are eligible.     

Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program 

Funding for the acquisition or development of land for public outdoor recreation. Eligible participants include county governments, municipalities and other local governments entities with the responsibility for providing outdoor recreational sites and facilities for the general public.

Land and Water Conservation Fund Grants 

Grants for the acquisition or development of land for public outdoor recreation. Eligible participants include state and local governmental entities with the responsibility for providing outdoor recreational sites and facilities for the general public.   

Recreational Trails Grants 

Grants for the acquisition or development of land for public outdoor recreation. Eligible participants include state and local governmental entities with the responsibility for providing outdoor recreational sites and facilities for the general public.    

TRAIL-GO, the Local Trail Management Grant Program

Provides funding for the operation and maintenance of trails located within the Florida Greenways and Trails System. Local governmental entities may apply for grants to purchase equipment for trail operation and maintenance, make repairs for the safety of trail users, and conduct necessary trail maintenance such as pressure washing, bush pruning and debris clearing.

Waste Management Funding 

Household Hazardous Waste Collection Center Grants 

Funding to encourage the establishment of a statewide network of local household hazardous waste collection centers, to provide collection services in rural counties that do not have collection centers, and to investigate unique or innovative household hazardous waste projects.  

Small County Consolidated Solid Waste Grant 

Funding for counties with populations less than 100,000.  These grants are distributed equally among those counties. Supported activities include general solid waste management, litter prevention and control, and recycling and education programs.   

Brownfield Grants

The Site-Specific Activity (SSA)/Targeted Brownfields Assessment program, authorized and funded by CERCLA Section 128(a) under the State and Tribal Response Program, is designed to help communities — especially those without EPA brownfields grants — minimize the uncertainties of contamination often associated with brownfields.     

Voluntary Cleanup Tax Credits (VCTC)  

Tax credits provided to encourage participants to conduct voluntary cleanup of certain dry cleaning solvent contaminated sites and brownfield sites in designated brownfield areas. Participants may be private or public entities but they must meet the eligibility criteria established under sections 376.3078, 376.30781 and 376.82, Florida Statutes, as applicable, and they must enter into either a voluntary cleanup agreement for drycleaning solvent cleanup or a brownfield site rehabilitation agreement. Tax credit certificates are awarded by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection from an annual $35 million authorization and are valid against Florida corporate income tax. Tax credit awards in excess of $35 million for any given fiscal year are issued from the next available tax credit authorization. 

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