Springs and Watershed Restoration Program staff

DWRA's Springs and Watershed Restoration Program works closely with the water management districts, local governments and other stakeholders to identify and implement springs projects that achieve restoration goals.



Springs Projects for 2023-2024 Funding:

For more about the selection of springs projects, please visit DEP's Protecting Florida Together Water Quality Grants Portal webpage.

Nathan Jagoda, Springs and Watershed Restoration Program Administrator
Marjory Stoneman Douglas Building, 8th Floor
3900 Commonwealth Boulevard - MS 3602
Tallahassee, FL 32399-3000

For questions or assistance, visit the Springs and Watershed Restoration Program contacts page.

Previous Years Springs Funded Projects

Click the GIS Web Experience to view springs projects funded each fiscal year from FY 2013-2014 through FY 2022-2023.

For a list of current selected springs projects, please visit DEP's Protecting Florida Together Water Quality Grants Portal webpage.

For more information about funding opportunities, please visit the Division of Water Restoration Assistance.


Popular Publications

Microsoft Word Document

Progress Report Form

Exhibit A Progress Report Form

Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet

Payment Request Summary Form

This is the payment request form for grants managed by the Division of Water Restoration Assistance, such as water projects and springs grants. Please make sure if you are a grantee to have the most current version.

Updated 9/24/24

Microsoft Word Document

Water Resource Funding in Florida

A list of various funding sources in Florida for water-related projects, including SRF, 319, TMDL, CDBG, USDA, and others, with descriptions and contact information.

Adobe PDF Document


A two-page fact sheet containing description of rule changes to Chapter 62-505, F.A.C., for Small Community Wastewater Construction Grants as well as general information on the program, including contact information.